
Resilience and Spirituality Essays

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Through the course of researching and writing the paper some very interesting things about resilience and spirituality have been observed. While one would assume that a person that exhibits great faith would be very resilient, that is not always the case. Resilience comes from an inner strength that can be magnified by a strong faith.
In order for a person to truly have a high level of resilience, they must also have a strong faith. That faith does not have to be in God but it does have to be a faith in something that you believe with protect you and see you through life’s trials. While a belief in something other than God many help a person in the short term, it will ultimately fail them as everything falls short of the …show more content…

For most people that base is faith. It could be faith in family, friends, themselves, or a higher power. In order to know true faith and have the resilience to overcome anything, one must have a strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Joshua 1:9 (English Standard Version) God reassures us that He is always there for us, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
It is important to understand that trauma can come in many forms. Family separations, job changes, loss of a friend or loved one, war, and physical injuries are just a few examples of traumatic events. While the amount of trauma for some of these events may be small, it can all add up to trouble over time if a person is not resilient enough to overcome them. It is important for caregivers to understand that while a specific event should not cause much trauma, the level of trauma that a person experienced prior to that event could make this most recent event “the last straw.”
Building resilience is an important step to help you deal with and overcome trauma, but how is that accomplished? Having a strong faith in God is the solid foundation needed to have a strong resilience. Another key component to building resiliency, is “emotional disclosure.” According to Hemenover (2003), by talking about the trauma-causing event, people can reduce the amount of stress caused by that event. His

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