
Resistance By Anne Bogart

Satisfactory Essays

As I started to read Anne Bogart’s Resistance I didn’t know if I would be able to fully comprehend what she had written. It felt like she was talking in circles, or just wanted to tell stories from her life. It wasn’t until Bogart wrote, “Sitting in a chair, for example, might be considered easy. How do you create resistance, or something physical, unbeknownst to the audience, to push against while sitting in a chair?... The actor has to build a sense of conflict or resistance in the body”(146). That's when it clicked for me, because during class on Monday we worked on being different elements, like air, water, earth. When we mimicked rock we had to create this force within ourselves because rock doesn’t flow it holds and pushes back until it breaks. We had to create conflict between our bodies and the outside world which wasn’t really there. In my opinion, it is more interesting to watch a character who doesn’t show everything to everyone. I like actors who know that they can portray deep conflict without saying a word. …show more content…

I couldn’t understand if one concentrated on the emotion so they would know how to express it on stage; like remembering where on the body the emotion manifested itself and whatnot. Or the actor was meant to concentrate on the emotion so that they wouldn’t do anything rash. Bogart’s writing was never specific the closest I got to clarification was this passage, “Compression makes expression possible. Without compression there is no ex-pression. Expression happens only after compression. Expression is the result of containing, shaping and embodying the excitement that boils up inside of you”(144). I can’t figure out what this is trying to say, its so vague and

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