Confrontation Analysis 1
Vicka Kharisma-29012019
Resolving Senkaku / Diaoyudao Islet Disputes: Graph Model for Conflict Resolution (GMCR) Analysis
Vicka Kharisma1, Pri Hermawan2, Khrisna3
Institute of Technology Bandung, School of Business and Management, Bandung, Indonesia
This paper illustrates the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu / Senkaku islet between Japan , People of China (POC - China). The dispute over the islet is also linked to other important factors, one of them is the rights to exploitation of natural resources. In this study, the conflict is by using GMCR (Graph Model for Conflict Resolution). The GMCR model (Graph Model for Conflict Resolution) is used to systematically describe the process of changes in
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Japan claims that it has had sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands since their formal annexation in 1895. According to Japan, at that time the islands were uninhabited and terra nullius, meaning that they belonged to no state (Soons & Schrijver, 2012) However, according to China, the isletat that time already belonged to China. The real interest in the islands lies in the potential economic value of oil and gas exploitation as well as the fisheries of the surrounding sea areas that could be financially beneficial for either country. The ability for deepwater drilling for the offshore oil and gas makes the Senkaku Islands something to continue to argue and fight over for control. Before the discovery of oil and gas deposits in the area of the islands all the parties had a rather inert attitude towards the Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands. Today though, there is no denial that the Diaoyu / Senkaku conflict is related to the presence oil.
Commonly, a territorial disputes is bilateral conflict between two countries, but in this case they play an important role in trilateral relations among the United States, Japan, and China. The United States is an important actor in Japan - China sovereignty disputes, especially the confict over the Senkaku / Diaoyudao Islet, because before World War II
Brockmann, Erich. (1996, May). Removing the paradox of conflict from group decisions. Academy of Management Executive. v10n2, p. 61-62.
Since their purchase by the Japanese government from their private owners in September 2012, the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands have been a topic of protest and discontent in the East China Sea and its surrounding area. While current conflicts have arisen because of skirmishes with patrol boats and sightings of Chinese drones flying over the islands, disputes over sovereignty of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands have existed since the cession of Chinese territory in the Treaty of Shimonoseki following China’s defeat in the Sino-Japanese War. Original ownership of the islands was never officially settled between China and Japan, but after the establishment of several more international treaties in the twentieth century, jurisdiction over the islands became unclear and practically undeterminable. While conflicts were set aside during the latter half of the twentieth century in order to improve Sino-Japanese relationships, the purchase of the islands and military activity renewed tensions between the two nations. Present-day territorial disputes over the sovereignty of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands are a result of the multiple cessions and reversions of control in twentieth century treaty laws between China and Japan.
Their different bases of knowledge give group members various types of power and influence. Three interaction techniques that are frequently utilized are unilateral decisions, adversarial proceedings, and negotiations. (G. Larry Mays (n.d), para. 3)
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An enduring dispute over Dokdo Island has proven difficult to resolve. Japan and Korea have been having an argument over the island for sovereignty ever since 1910 (South). This island has three names, Dokdo, Takeshima, and Liancourt. Dokdo, a solitary island, is a Korean name for this island. Takeshima, a Bamboo Island, is what Japanese call it. Both Japan and South Korea uses historical facts to support their claims for the island (Profile). To what extent is the dispute between Korea and Japan an issue about resources versus history?
In order to reach a collaborative solution, a team must work to resolve conflict in a productive manner. Avoidance is one resolution strategy many teams use. Avoidance is not a valid resolution strategy in most instances though. Avoidance sweeps conflict aside in order for the team to pursue more productive avenues. “If the conflict is not central to the work of the team, it may be best to set it aside so that the important work of the team can proceed” (Porter, ρ.3). Only under these circumstances should avoidance be used. Another technique, compromise, is similar to avoidance. Compromise is when “each person gives up something for the sake of agreement” (Porter, ρ.4). Again, this method does not produce the best results as it fails to address the entire issue and can force certain members of a team to concede points that would be
In July 2013, Wenweipo - the pro-PRC Chinese-language newspaper published an article titled “Six Wars China is sure to fight in the next 50 years”. According to this article, after unification of Taiwan (year 2020 to 2025), China will take the second war: Reconquest of Spratly Islands (year 2025 to 2030) and “China will send the ultimatum to countries surrounding the Islands with the deadline of 2028. The countries having disputes on the sovereignty of Islands can negotiate with China on preserving their shares of investments in these Islands by giving up”. In 1999, two Chinese military colonels – authors of the book namely “Unlimited War” suggested using an “unlimited war” to solve the disputing in the South China Sea. These authors said that, to avoid a war does not mean that not using military force and a conflict is indispensable. However, there is one more important thing that to control the intensities of conflict that. It is necessary to conduct some special activities to prove the sovereignty of China in the disputing Spratly Islands but do not let this activities increase to the total war. These things prove that the potential war between Vietnam and China in the future could be come true.
Conflict is a fact of life - for individuals, organizations, and societies. The costs of conflict are well-documented - high turnover, grievances and lawsuits, absenteeism, divorce, dysfunctional families, prejudice, fear. What many people don't realize is that well-managed conflict can actually be a force for positive change.
Imagine coming home after a day with your friends at the mall. When your parents ask you where you where, you tell them that you were working on a school project with your friends. What did you do when you told them you were working on a project? You were lying. Lying is something everyone has done in their life. So what exactly is lying? The definition of lying is an intentionally false statement. Even keeping silent if you know something is a lie, just a different type of lie than saying something intentionally incorrect. Some people have different views on lying than others. Some people think that telling any lie is fine. Others say that lies of any kind are dishonest and should not be used. Then, there are the people that believe that
In order to better understand the dispute of these islands and this body of water, geography plays a role considering the area sea is located to borders on many different regions. According Chmillier-Gendreau (2000), the south-west of the Indian Ocean, the sea connects with the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. To the north-east, the sea connects with the Sea of Japan and the Strait of Korea. The position of this body of water is interconnected with many other bodies of waters which coincide with many countries. The islands residing in the middle of this sea therefore lies in the middle of many different countries. The two islands, Spratly and Paracel Islands lie in the middle of the maritime zone. Since it is in the middle, no neighboring country is really physically connected to these islands by geography (Chemillier-Gendreau, 2000, p. 16). Despite that fact, China and Vietnam both claim sovereignty over these islands based on historical and
As of today, China has expanded and built over seven artificial islands in the South China Sea since 2014. The South China Sea has recently come to be a major problem in Asia as issues have risen over who has rights of passage and claims in this area. The Chinese of recent have been making territorial claims in the South China Sea that are in areas of free passage for many other Asian countries and the United States. In October 2015, a U.S. guided missile destroyer encountered one of the artificial islands and China’s response was that it would “take any measure” to maintain its security in “their territory”. The Chinese have been questioned in the Permanent Court of Arbitration by the Philippines after claiming rights to historical locations in the South China Sea, which violates sovereign rights of the Philippines, yet China responded to this outcome with refusal and has continued to advance itself in the territory causing huge disputes with its neighboring countries as freedom of navigation has been compromised through China’s actions.. In order to guarantee resolution and maintain the freedom of navigation aspect of international law there needs to be a foreign policy put in place that puts more United States military in the South China Sea with support from disputing countries like Japan and the Philippines as a way to make the issue multilateral and law abiding.
In deciding on which course of action would be the most appropriate in resolving the Taiwan-China conflict, it would be necessary to understand the conflict and the attempts made to resolve such conflict to have a proper perspective on the issue. It would also help to analyze why the previous techniques were not successful before adopting any policy recommendation to resolve the conflict.
Starting from the 15th century, India, a country in South Asia, had an influential relationship with Britain. Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims had ruled over parts of the vast country, and none had succeeded in ruling all of India until Great Britain came. Britain took advantage of the conflicts about wars for power between Marathas, Persians, and Sikhs, so they arrives at a opportune time. This was the time when the British East India Company was established in India to break the Dutch monopoly over spice trade. Britain had started setting up trading ports in India and exchanging goods like cotton, tea and opium. After the East India Company won the battle in 1757, with the time the East India Company increased its powers and they began to operate