
Conflict Analysis : Blake And Mouton 's Conflict Grid

Decent Essays

Conflict is a natural part of small group interactions and discussions. There are times when conflict can be helpful to the group by bringing up problems that may not have been noticed by the group. There are also times when conflict can be detrimental to a group dynamic by causing the group damage. Conflict management is having the ability to manage conflict within a group where there is a good amount of conflict of ideas without a large amount of conflict of feelings (Tubbs, 2012). Blake and Mouton’s Conflict Grid is a model used to mange conflict within a group. I will describe a conflict I have personally dealt with in the workplace and use Blake and Mounton’s Grid to identify the styles used from the grid as well as recommend …show more content…

It was now a revolving door of teachers. I believe the problem was the director who moved into her position so suddenly, she was corrupt and poisonous to the organization. I finally decided I could no longer work for an organization who’s values did not meet my own, so I put in my notice. I did this right before an important Head Start review, so management was not happy with me. It was rumored the director changed some of the scores from their own review before the federal government came to do their own. My score was one of a few which was not changed. They asked me to stay but would not offer me more than a seventeen cent raise. This minimal raise would also include becoming a mentor teacher and training students at the local college. I did not take their offer and continued working until my last day. On my last day the CEO of the organization came with one last attempt to keep me. All she could offer me was her gratitude for a job well done for the previous years of employment. When asked what it would take for me to stay, I was honest with her and told her the one individual who was detrimental to the organization needed to be dealt with. The CEO disagreed with me and I left the preschool program. According to Blake and Mouton’s Grid in this example the leadership style used is Parish or Produce ( There is a very low concern for people with a high concern for production. The only reason they wanted me to stay was so

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