
Response to the Three Stages of Cultural 'Defiance' Essay

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Response to the Three Stages of Cultural “Defiance” As I read through the three stages that a person takes as they transition through cultural “defiance”, I couldn't help to think about my own experience with this. I have traveled through 39 countries, and lived in a total of four different countries. I currently live in Casablanca, Morocco, and I have lived in both Brazil and the Dominican Republic. Of course, I was born and raised in the United States. My parents were both born in the United States, but my mother's ethnic background is Danish and German, and my father's ethnic background is Lebanese. His parents both immigrated to the United States from Lebanon. My father's parents were Muslim, but after they died, my father …show more content…

I felt comfortable there. I liked Brazil second, but didn’t like the city I lived in. Morocco has definitely been the most difficult for me, and I haven’t learned to love it, not even like it so much. I more just tolerate it. However, Morocco is also very different from the United States, and doesn’t have many comforts that Americans are used too. I am sure that is a big reason that I find it a very difficult place to live. I am sure that is why I experience the most “culture shock” here. I say this to say that my own stage of cultural “defiance” has been a mixture of all three. I believe that the Dominican Republic was my example of stage three, followed by Brazil being the essence of stage one, and finally Morocco has definitely been an example of stage two.
STAGE ONE: Denial of Differences (or the Invisible People) All three countries that I have lived in are developing nations. I have seen so much poverty and suffering from both animals and people that it has made me almost immune. Animal suffering still eats at my heart, but much of the suffrage of people, unfortunately, I have become immune too. I know that is sad to say, but it is neither intentional nor wanted. As a result of their being so many people in need, they have started to become "invisible". I never thought of it this way until I read over this document, but it made me think. It made me think of how I personally treat someone in the street who approaches me for money.

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