
Restriction On Hand-Held Devices While Driving

Decent Essays

Imagine a world where the amount of daily automobile fatalities were dramatically reduced. Where men, women, children wouldn't have to died needlessly. The restriction on hand-held devices while driving is the correct decision ,because drivers would be forced to admit all of their attention on the road and it could reduce the number of deaths in automobile accidents. I agree with this law ,because of its many beneficial elements that come along with it that could improve America. Some people may argue that what if an important/crucial cellphone call, that cannot be missed(like a call from your boss), happens to be ringing when they are in a vehicle. Then they must receive the call during the car ride ,although the law prevents …show more content…

Mistakes like these can be avoided by ignoring the device just for the amount of time to get to the destination. A survey in 2011 by the Washington Post showed that 65.3% of all automobile accidents were preventable such as accidents committed under the influence or texting/calling and driving. Cellphones can wait while people drive ,because it is better to be out of social media or miss a call then to miss out on the rest of their lives. Sometimes accidents that occur are more devastating to other people than it is to the person who was using their phone. Such as killing the other people like toddlers and new born babies. Haunted by the fact that they could've prevented that accident if they just turned off their phone. The law ,that prevents the use of cellphones while driving ,helps people without a strong physical restraint from using their hand-held devices. The states that have made it illegal for people to use their hand-held devices realize the potential dangers that come from the phone distracting the driver from the road. The positive aspects from banning the use of cellphones while driving ,such as an increase in focusing on the road ,should convince everyone that this law should be implemented

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