
Retreat Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

I have been to retreats where women were opening up about their lives, and I recall very vividly thinking, “I am not going to share with these people, I do not even KNOW these people.” For me, personally, I must feel comfortable with a person and the situation, in order to share. This retreat was for only two days, so there wouldn’t be enough time for me to even build a lasting bond with those women. There must be a foundation of trust, and in my personal experience, trust regarding a person, takes time and quite a bit of vetting. Perhaps, some of those women at the retreat, thought the fact that they did not know the other women there, that made them comfortable regarding anonymity, and thus gave them the freedom to share. I cannot …show more content…

They were as close to us as family, and to this day, many of them still are. I allowed myself to be vulnerable around them, because I knew they were genuine and could trust them. Our son, is now 10 years old, and is doing very well. He did get a diagnosis of autism when he was 6 years old, but all of the other things that the doctors were concerned about never came to fruition, and he is doing extremely well, even with the autism diagnosis. He is verbal, and thanks to a team of speech, and occupational therapists, and behavior therapy, etc. he truly is doing well in life.
Today, my husband and I host a care group in our home every Monday night, and continue to try to demonstrate the same type of love that was demonstrated to us in our previous care group. We are there to support each other in life, and pray for each other, and since we hold it in our home, I try my best to have the home look and feel as inviting as possible. I would say the above, is the closest I can say I have been involved in group therapy if you will. I would not say of course we host, organized therapy session here, but with enough people sharing about their lives and asking for prayer, I would have to say it has come quite close. In regard to Margarita Tartakovsky’s article on “5 Benefits of Group Therapy”, I would have to agree, that a group setting does help you realize that you are not alone. (2016) Even in our care group, that my husband and

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