
Review: For All the Tea in China

Decent Essays

For all the Tea in China by Sarah Rose reviewed by Brooke Gschwind

“For all the Tea in China -How England Stole the World 's Favorite Drink and Changed History

” as the subtitle foreshadows the story already. Before I had even read the book I assumed it

would be a journey of betrayal, action and only closed off to the events that occur re 's as Robert

Fortune underhandedly takes china 's precious tea right from underneath they 're own noses.

But little did I know that it Sarah Rose has incorporated all the events essential to the to

cultivation of tea in the mid Nineteenth-century. In Audition to this Historical non-fiction story that

may be boring to others, or as one of my fellow classmates would put it “I …show more content…

And also the hold of opium production as well as tea production, and civilization


Fortune 's First 12 month period trip was spent traveling to the Zhejiang and Anhui provenances

for Green Tea. He had to disguise himself as a well paid merchant which wasn 't enough to get noticed

but held enough respect he usually was given. He needed to do deceive the local Chinese and

Tea producer 's in order to get the information but there was no detail in how he did it, which I thought

it would be a lot more exhilarating to know the master plan of how he was able to deceive so easily

and to be trusted with that much valuable information, and most importantly needed the information of

how to process and grow tea or it would be useless to get the thousands of

seeds and saplings necessary to start a growing tea profitably with out having a clue of doing so and

let them die. Also During Fortune 's Expedition it would be impossible to travel the multiple

provenances of China with out a Guide or Help to carry his Warden cases by him self hence he had to

hire servants a collie whom preferred to be called that and Wang a business negotiator which served

well but was easily influenced into trouble to a common trait that most Chinese did at the time it was

called the “Squeeze” which was extracting money illegally from someone trying to earn a few bucks.

And handful of trouble came from Fortune 's servants betrayal

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