
Review Of ' The Nagy ' Mom '

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The “Nagy” Mom
This is the mom who is constantly asking questions and interrogates you about every little thing that you do wrong or forget to do. Just anything they get their hands on that gives them permission to yell at you for it. Story time: I forget to do the dishes the previous night and I get a text the next morning when I get to school. I wonder who it’s from. Duh, it’s the warden. The text reads, “Did you do the dishes last night? No? I didn’t think so. Why can’t you ever just do as you are told? Come home straight after school and get them done before you do anything else.” Example A of interrogation and questioning. Example B: Mother gets a grade alert for one of my classes that had currently gone from an A to a high B. I …show more content…

They go out of their way to satisfy every want of their child and don’t hold them accountable to be responsible for themselves; especially as a teenager. For instance, I go to school with girl who has a mom and dad like this. Let’s focus on her mom’s behavior. The girl and her mother decide they want new phones. They load up the car and by load the car I mean taking the girl, her mom, and her three friends she had over with them. We get to the cell phone store and the girl and her mom browse the store to see which one they want. When they find one, they set up the phone and do all that boring stuff that always takes two hours of your day to figure out. As they checked out, her mom says to her, “Hunny, why don’t you go look for a case? It’s a new phone and you don’t want to crack it already. You might need one.” She impolitely replies with, “No mom, you need a case and I’m not getting any of these. I’ll order a cuter one on amazon.” Her mom must have bought a ticket for the attitude train.
Another time that shows this type of parenting is when teens ask their parents for money and are given what they want without earning a bit of it. Taking the same child and mother from the previous story, she asks her mom if she can have money to go to a basketball game out at school. Now, I know for a fact that you don’t spend $20 at a high school basketball game unless you are eight and your mom gave you the money and you buy five suckers, a pop, nachos, 8 laffy taffy’s, and a hot

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