
Review Of Upton Sinclair's 'The Man With The Muck-Rake'

Decent Essays

In 1906 Theodore Roosevelt gave a speech called “The Man with the Muck-rake”. The term Muckrakers is a name given to journalist who exposed corruption in businesses in the early 20th century. Upton Sinclair was a Muckraker. He was an American writer who manly wrote about socialistic Views. The Jungle was a novel he wrote that exposed the dreadful conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry.
Upton Sinclair was born in Baltimore, Maryland on September 20, 1887. When Sinclair was a child he spent some time with his Grandparents which formed his views as a socialistic. At the age of 15 Sinclair published his first story. In 1906 published he published a book that sold more than 150,000 copies and in 17 different languages, this book is called

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