
Revolutionary Mothers

Decent Essays

Berkin, Carol Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence Knopp, Alfred A.: Random House Pp. 194 In Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence the author, Carol Berken, revisits the Revolutionary War exploring the many diverse roles that the women of all ethnicities, cultures, and classes were called upon to assume during the eight year struggle for independence. Most often when we address the Revolution the focus is on the notable men of the era such as George Washington, Paul Revere, John Adams, and Patrick Henry; or on strategic battles like Valley Forge; or the other famous events such as the Boston Tea Party that resulted from Parliaments’ effort to gain revenue from …show more content…

Throughout Revolutionary Mothers one is reminded of just how the war transformed the role of women transcending them through the limitations that had always defined them. From the first significant role women had in politics which was not in the colonial assemblies but was expressed with their power to say “no” which ensured the success of the boycotts that resulted from the American Revenue Act and the Stamp Act of

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