
Rhetoric of Adolf Hitler

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Following World War I, Germany was left crippled (Aftermath). Adolf Hitler became angered by the people who thrived during this depression and wanted to take action against them immediately. Specifically, the Jewish Population were the ones who thrived when the rest of Germany suffered and they were considered to be the root of Germany’s problems (Holocaust | The reasons for the Holocaust). Hitler was also culturally influenced by the D.A.P., which is the group that drove him into realizing his true hatred for the Jewish community. Hitler and the Nazis wanted to make sure that everyone was aware of what the Jews were doing wrong and as a result, he wrote many speeches in order to get this message across (Hitler's Speeches). In these speeches, Hitler used rhetoric in order to manipulate the minds of large masses of people to agree to exterminate the Jewish people. Ethos, pathos, and logos were present in most, if not all, of his speeches and it was extremely effective. After he realized that his reign was a failure, Hitler committed suicide. This is where the question “Does the end ever justify the means?” comes about and the end indeed does justify the means in Hitler’s case. Most of Hitler’s opinions of the Jewish population originated in the minds of the D.A.P. (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) also known as the German Workers’ Party. He discovered this group when he was instructed to investigate it. Hitler listened to a speech given by a man from the group and became enraged

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