
Rhetorical Analysis Of President George W. Bush's Speech

Good Essays

Brieana Casarez
ENGL 1300.012
October 14th 2017
Overcoming a Crisis
On September 20, 2001 President George Walker Bush delivered a speech to Congress titled “After 9/11” concerning the tragedies that took place in New York City. America was flooded with shock and grief after learning that members of Al-Qaeda had hijacked airplanes and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York City. President George W. Bush hoped that his speech would put Americans and the world at ease as he talked about how America was going to band together not only with one another but also with those around us to prove just how strong our American support system was. President George W. Bush’s speech used the rhetorical appeals Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to help ease the mind of those who were scared and changed the way Americans looked at terrorism.
Aristotle first introduced the terms Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Ethos refers to a person’s ethics and gives credibility to the author or character from any quote or statement that has been said. Pathos has to do with emotion. It is a way of convincing or persuading the audience about their side of an argument through strong feeling and emotional context. Logos refers to logic, or to be more specific, things such as statistics and data. Logos is a way to persuade the audience through factual reasoning.
George Walker Bush was the 46th Governor of Texas for five years before he was elected the 43rd President of the United States

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