
Rhetorical Analysis Of Trump Inaugural Address

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A Shift of power from Authority to Average
The Inaugural Address is one of the most important speeches a president will make in their term. This speech sets the tone of how a president will govern the people of America. Each president will not have 100% support from every single citizen. Donald Trump, man-made millionaire, was the Republican candidate for the 2016 Presidential Election. In his Inaugural Address he made promises to the American people that he would give power,jobs,protection, and patriotism back to them. By using Anticipation of objection, anaphora, and patriotic repetitive phrases he is stating how he will “Make America Great Again.”
When Donald Trump gave the address, he also had to swear to govern the United States of …show more content…

Those are the people that have been allowed to just come in and take jobs from lawful American citizens. The Anaphora that Donald Trump states is that, “America First” from now on.” He wants to strengthen the people,economy, and wealth of this nation by following two rules. To “ Buy American and Hire American.” The American dream has been lost from other countries getting in the way and Donald Trump wants to put America back on top winning.
The President has to not only govern the people of America but also strive to protect them. With new terrorist groups threatening our country, the citizens of America become more unsure about their safety every single day. After experiencing the tragic event of 9/11, people are worried about their level of protection. America was brought down that day by radical terrorists who seeked to destroy us and tear us apart. That day only made America stronger in protecting one another. Donald Trump is using an appeal to fear by stating “ This American carnage stops right here and right now.” He is standing his ground that he will stop at nothing to eradicate any dangerous threats that come our way. The fear that American people live in is what Donald Trump wants to erase. To make this country safe again, where citizens feel protected by their military, authority, and by God is one promise Donald Trump makes.
In each presidential election, the candidates all have a

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