
Rhetorical Analysis Of Waiting For Superman

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As a parent, you want the best for your child in life. What would you do if their entire future was decided on one lottery that was out of your control? Waiting for Superman is a documentary that was made in 2010 and created controversy among educators and parents everywhere. The director focuses on 5 students that go through the process of trying to find a better education. In Waiting for Superman, Davis Guggenheim (the director) investigates and uncovers the downfall of American education over the years informing people the truth of what is truly going on. Guggenheim appeals to ethos by including a concerned mother, such as Nakia, who can share values with the audience. Nakia does everything she can to afford a good education for her daughter, Bianca. Knowing that if her daughter goes to her zone public school she will fail to be prepared to go on to college and get the degree she needs Nakia gets money any way she can, but still is unable to pay her child’s school bills. By incorporating this mother into the documentary the director expands the audience to mothers that know what it is like to worry about their child’s future. Guggenheim strengthens his movie by using this rhetoric device throughout this piece. …show more content…

He mentions a charter school called Kipp saying that, “Kipp students will have doubled their math and science scores by the time they graduate.” Using this rhetoric device persuades the audience to agree with the speaker’s point because it states irrefutable facts that support his argument. Another example of logos occurred when the author states that there is a direct correlation between students dropping out of high school and students that go to prison. This appeals to logos because it gives facts to emphasize the fact that going to a good high school has a big impact on your

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