
Rhetorical Devices Used In The Film Loose Change

Good Essays

Loose Change

1) Identify and explain three different methods of development used in the film to convince the viewer. Why do they use this method and why is it effective?
(3 marks each)

2) Identify and explain one rhetorical device used in the film. Why is that device effective and what point is it stressing? (3 marks)

3) In your own words, what is the thesis of the film? (1 mark)

4) What 2 logical arguments could you refute this film’s points? Take issue with a particular point or the whole idea. (2 marks)

a. At 15:24, the author, Dylan Avery used appeal to authority to stress that the plane headed for the Pentagon wasn’t a civilian commercial airliner but it was a military plane. Appeal to authority is when the author relies …show more content…

At 28:30, Avery used statistics to prove that the crash into the Pentagon was deliberately staged in a newly renovated part. Use of statistics is when the author supports or proves the point using numbers. The source, The Los Angeles Times stated that the “The area… had blast-resistant windows, 2 inches thick and 2,500 pounds each, that stayed intact during the crash and fire.” By using such large numbers (2,500 pounds instead of 1.25 tons), the audience will get a feeling that the crash was certainly staged as these windows are of such heavy-duty …show more content…

The rhetorical device used here is repetition. Repetition is when the author repeats a phase or line to add rhythm or to emphasize an idea. In this case, the ‘line’ are the videos of buildings being demolished. The reason for this is to get the audience used to the process of buildings being demolished so when Avery shows the World Trade Center collapsing at 52:20, the audience will get a feeling that it really was explosives that were planted in the building that caused the building to collapse. 3) The attacks on September 11th, 2001 are not what you see at the surface. Countless behind the scene setups were done by the US government before the actual attacks. Careful planning and fabrication of evidence took place to minimize public speculation.

a. Explosives were planted beforehand- Why didn’t anybody notice the bombs then? Or speak

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