
Rhetorical Techniques Used In Miracles From Heaven

Decent Essays

The most common way for the public to learn about a new movie coming out is by watching movie trailers. A trailer to a movie is arguably more important than the movie itself. Unfortunately sometimes the movie isn’t as great as the trailer makes it out to be. The trailer to a movie is what helps the audience decide whether or not the movie is something they’d be interested in watching. That being said the movie trailer for Miracles from Heaven does a great job at getting the public's attention by using rhetorical devices such as Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. Logos is a rhetorical device that uses common sense, values, or facts to get a point across. As you watch the trailer Miracles from Heaven, text appears over the screen with a light blue background …show more content…

In the movie trailer Miracles from Heaven you see that Jennifer Garner and Eugenio Derbez are starring in the movie. I believe the producers put the focus on these two actors specifically because they are both well known. They always perform with excellence and always manage to sell the part. Not to mention their movies are always great and extremely appealing. Jennifer Garner stars in many movies but she is most known from the movies “13 Going on 30” and “Daredevil” As for Eugenio Derbez he is most known for being the star, writer, and producer for the shows “Al Derecho y al Derbez” and “La Famila P. Luche.” Movie wise he is most commonly known from “Instructions Not Included” As you watch the trailer you notice that Jennifer is the narrator, and has the most speaking parts throughout the video. In the trailer you also see that Engenio plays the doctor that may be the last hope for the little girl who's dying. Therefore playing an important role. By making sure these specific actors appear in the trailer, the producers are using ethos because they know these actors are popular. Allowing the audience to think “Jennifer and Eugenio are great actors and always make good movies. This one is probably going to be good as well.” Further along into the trailer text appears over the screen reading “From the producers Heaven is for Real.” Suggesting if you’ve seen and enjoyed that movie then …show more content…

Miracles from Heaven does an amazing job at pulling on one’s heartstrings. Jennifer plays a wife and a mother to three girls. They play a happy christian family with good morals and strong faith. All of a sudden there is a shift in the trailer. The youngest daughter is diagnosed with an illness that has yet to find a cure. Causing the audience to feel worry and frustration, because you want a cure to be found. Further into the trailer the producers decide to give away what most people would ask while watching “Do they find a cure?”, or “Will the little girl be ok?”. The answer is yes. The little girl falls from a tall tree and ends up in the emergency room. I can imagine the audience feeling fear, but the fall actual cures her. Because the movie is based on a true story, most of the audience would be in disbelief. As you can see throughout the trailer the audience feels a roller coaster of

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