
Richard Swinburne Free Will Defense Analysis

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The logical argument from a theist on how to balance the existence of God, and his Omni properties (Omnipresent, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient) is refers to the problem of evil. Omnipresent means, that God is present everywhere. Omnipotent means, that God is all powerful. Omniscient means, that God is all knowing. Omnibenevolent means, that God is all loving. His Omni properties basically means that God is the source of love, and a very powerful being, indeed. The question of if God truly has all these characteristics, why is there still suffering in the world such as, wars, murder, inequality, terror attacks, rape and many more instances that someone has become victim of someone……
When it comes to denying the existence of God, …show more content…

A very good argument to defend their belief is Richard Swinburne’s “free will defense” that can be found on his work called “Why God Allows Evil.” Swinburne believe in the idea of theodicy as the central core of evil, or the judgement of divine being in the view of evil and its existence. According to Swinburne, the definition of evil comes in two types. The harm that was caused by another human to another human is called Moral Evil. They may have reason to inflict these action, but it is not a valid reason. Believers of God believe that God gave mankind free will. A world without free will is perfect and boring. The reason why God gives mankind free will is to test them if they will do the right thing. Also by doing this, it will force them to be responsible of their actions, because consequences will follow like, prosecution with jail time or for believers, the idea of denial in heaven and endless suffering in hell. If the idea of free will is true, then God is truly all powerful, all present (God is watching all the time) and all knowing, but not all loving God. To make this big gamble it is impossible to be all loving. If God is truly all loving, then he can use his all-powerful traits to make the consequences less painful, or at least keep the consequences to the evil doers, not to the innocent people. It may sound absurd but …show more content…

Tragedies like, earthquake, tsunamis, smog, flood and even incurable diseases like cancer is considered as natural evil. Free will is the main reason of God when it comes to the creation of natural evil. Natural evil brings unity to people to help each other if they need help. Also, suffering from these circumstances challenge mankind to choose God even they are dying and suffering. To believe Swinburne’s idea is pure lunacy on atheist point of view. Again, If God is all loving and ultimate good, why is he risking innocent lives just to choose him. Quite a gamble he is doing and this actions just make mankind doubt his

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