
Ricky And Morty: The Hero's Journey

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In post-modern thought, the shift from grand narrative and universal truth to more local simplistic truth is very important. The shift instils a sense realism, when engaging in post-modern thought. In contrast Baudrillard (1991) coined the phrase ‘hyperreality’ which the inability of distinguish between simulation and reality. This is a stark contrast to the sense of realism that post-modern thought engages in. However, this does present an avenue in which to critique the culture of today. One show titled Ricky & Morty, created by Dan Harmon & Justin Rowland engage in this sort of critique. Dan Harmon & Justin Rowland use philosophy as a vehicle to drive their meta-narratives, critiquing the foundation of life through various different characters. They pay homage to Baudrillard and his work Simulacra and Science Fiction (1991) in the episode ‘Mortynight Run’. In this episode Morty plays the game ‘ROY’, in which he puts on a Virtual …show more content…

Referencing ‘The Hero’s Journey’ by Joseph Campbell, Guy talks about the journey in which a characters goes through in order to grow and develop. “You have to leave yourself to understand the value of yourself, you have to lose stuff before you realise that all the stuff that you’re losing is ephemeral and transitory. You must first prostitute yourself in order to know the value of yourself that is the essence of all story” (Ritchie. G, 2017). In Campbell’s book ‘The Hero’s Journey‘(1990) the concept of the stages of a journey and the journey to the Abyss are discussed. Campbell’s book describes how a protagonist answers the call to adventure, journeying through the ‘known’ until reaching a struggle. In this struggle he must reach down into the depths of the ‘Abyss’ or the ‘unknown’ in order to grow and develop, and in doing so is reborn. Once reborn the protagonist can then conquer the struggle. The ‘journey’ is what becomes known as a ‘story’ or

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