
Riding Assistant Personal Statement

Decent Essays

As an avid reader, I discovered manga while in secondary school; I was immediately hooked and actively sought out other forms of Japanese popular media. As I delved further into the culture behind the content, the cuisine, and the history of East Asia I developed a more academic interest and began to investigate means of incorporating my love of Japan into my long-term life plan.
I was introduced to the JET Programme during the University of Kent’s Careers & Employability Festival. This opened up the possibility of gaining first-hand cultural experience of Japan while also developing valuable skills relevant to my desired career path. I am currently undertaking a formal Japanese language course to help strengthen my application and ensure I am a suitable candidate.
I would relish the opportunity to help in schools that provide Special Needs Education as this is specifically relevant to my career plan of becoming an Occupational Therapist. I am interested in …show more content…

I was able to use my knowledge of British Sign Language to communicate with a rider who knew only limited Makaton signs. I quickly gained a lot of practical experience as my role was very hands-on and I had not worked with horses before so was eager to learn. My recent employment as an Administration Assistant with FDS (Fire Design Solutions) Consult enabled me to showcase my IT skills and ability to manage inventory resources. These experiences will be beneficial in providing support to the JTEs I work with.
Furthermore, my time as a librarian during secondary school and sixth form have given me first-hand experience in a school environment where being open and approachable were essential qualities in order to offer support to students and peers. I also had to maintain a high degree of flexibility during my role as a Playgroup Supervisor at an annual camping event as the children were of a young

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