
Right To Work Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

1. Are you for or against state right-to-work laws? I am firmly opposed to the right-to-work legislation because these laws are designed to reduce the economic and political power of unions by forcing unions to represent non-dues paying members equally with dues paying members. Lawmakers on both sides of the issue make strong but not necessarily equal arguments for and against the right to work laws. During a contentious and unsuccessful union-led recall campaign of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker over collective bargaining rights, two of the strongest arguments made by right-leaning supporters was that right to work laws spur income growth and higher pay. While there may be a modicum of truth to those arguments, the fact of the matter …show more content…

When businesses pay workers less, the organization becomes more profitable and thereby more competitive against companies where right-to-work laws have not been enacted. Companies like Boing freely admit that moving operations to right-to-work states save money on employee wages and other benefits. According to Isidore (2017), “The union says South Carolina workers earn about $10 an hour less than union members at Boeing's Washington state plants” (para …show more content…

One of the main responsibilities of the governor of any state is to expand the tax base so its citizens can enjoy more services derived from tax revenue. Governors from across this country are actively engaged in their attempts to entice major manufacturing companies to relocate to their states. Texas is one of 25 right-to-work states (Right to Work Laws, 2017, para 5) and in 2012, Governor Rick Perry launched an aggressive campaign to lure new business using deep business tax cuts and deregulation as bait (Story, 2012). The tactic worked; Texas was ranked 6th in job creation (Abrahams, 2013), however, according to Story, (2012) “Along with the huge job growth, the state has the third-highest proportion of hourly jobs paying at or below minimum wage” (para 6). Clearly, right-to-work laws add value for the state by bringing in new businesses but at a steep cost in terms of employee wages and other

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