
Rise Of Obesity Essay

Decent Essays

The rise of obesity
The epidemic
The numbers
According to Kenneth Fujioka, MD obesity rates have gone up, drastically, in the past four decades. They have more than doubled since 1980. The rates of overweight and obesity in adult men has increased from 29% to 37% and in women it has increased from 30% to nearly 40%. Obesity in women is twice as frequent than it is in men. Obesity in children has increased by almost 50% than what it was in 1980.The occurrence of overweight or obese children and adolescents in developed countries is more than 22% and almost 24% in boys. Obesity is more likely to be higher in lower income and medium income countries. The United States is the 3rd most obese country with an obesity rate of 66%. There is a higher …show more content…

Exercising at least 150 to 300 minutes per week will help burn off the extra calories, and fight off excess weight. Eat meals that are low-calorie and nutrient-dense, which are foods high in unsaturated fats, low in saturated fats, and high in vitimins & minerals. Limiting junk food to once in a while, but don’t eliminate them because if you ban junk food from your diet entirely then it will become even more difficult to ignore those …show more content…

It also puts pressure on your joints and organs, making it more difficult for you to walk and causes your organs to work harder to keep up with the extra body fat on your body. Obesity most often leads up to plaque buildup in your arteries and eventually the plaque area will rupture, forming a blood clot; if the clot travels to an artery in your brain it can block blood flow to your brain, which results in a stroke. A build up of plaque may also cause a heart

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