
Ritalin And Adderall: A Case Study

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Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adulthood. This disorder is characterized by difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior and hyperactivity. In children, the long term effects of psychotropic medications are unknown and lead to a number of precipitating factors. Choosing the right medication, dose and treatment plan should be based on each child’s individual needs and situation. Some of the medications used to manage symptoms of ADHD are Ritalin and Adderall. These two drugs have been around for a while; however, Vyvanse, Strattera, and Concerta are new drugs that have been proven to help with ADHD symptoms. Treatment for behavioral issues in children is growing …show more content…

17). I find as a parent I should have the choice in whether or not my child takes a medicine or not. Almost 60% of foster care children and youth are on one or more psychotropic medications, and almost a fourth had “questionable” polypharmacy (three or more medications or two or more within a single, non-stimulant drug class) (Huefner & Griffith 2014). There are numerous routes to try before jumping to a “pill” as treatment for ADHD. Long term use of medication can lead to dependency and impaired social interaction. Insurance companies should develop step programs to aid patients in treatment for behavioral issues. If there were mandated therapy sessions for at least 6 weeks prior to medication trails I feel that this would cut down on the number of patients that are medicated. The Food and Drug Administration puts the medications they supply through rigorous testing and stress the importance of using these as directed. It is up to the consumers of these medications to follow the guidelines as

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