
Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken

Decent Essays

There comes a point in one’s life where you are forced to make a decision indicating the next rout to your life’s destination. The Road Not Taken, By Robert Frost written in 1916, demonstrates a choice in which someone must make among two options in life. Whether it is your career, passion, or your next step into adulthood, we will always have decisive options brought upon us. However, it is up to you when it comes to taking the right path to success. For it could be the wrong path you take which can lead you into trouble and sorrow for the rest of your life. The authors use of alliteration, metaphor, connotation and symbolism reveal the theme of making choices. This poem also conveys the importance of self judgement which can characterize …show more content…

As Robert Frost writes “wanted wear”(Line 8) to demonstrate both the theme and use of alliteration. In which constantly brings up the decision of choosing a path in your life. This poetic device allows Frost to enhance his writing in making it more understandable towards his readers, allowing them to embellish a mental picture in which the reader can appreciate. In addition, the idea of regret is expressed by Frost throughout the beginning of the poem, in the first three to four stanzas the traveler meditates on the difference between the two roads though he wishes to travel both (March). For Robert Frost convey’s making difficult decisions and the possible consequences that could result. Furthermore, the use of metaphor is used in order to create a peaceful image for the reader when Frost write’s “Equally lay in leaves no step had trodden” (Line 12). Though this poem is intended to have a meaning far beyond its immediate scope, as a reader you can view this poem as almost any subject or …show more content…

Rather than understanding it from a literal standpoint, symbolism allows the reader to relate to his own circumstances. Frost writes “Two roads diverged into a yellow road,” (Line 1) this allows the reader to make their own assumption on not only this line, but for the rest of the poem. Part of the theme in the poem is making choices and assumptions on subject matters in your life, including this poem, for connotation is clearly expressed in this literary work. The choice that Robert Frost explains in the poem can reflect on a difficult decision that may occur in real life which could determine the path you take throughout your life. Besides the point, “irony is used in this poem in order to make a point indirectly, by presenting an apparent meaning that is opposite from the meaning of the peace” (Kelly). Furthermore, symbolism is also demonstrated when Frost states “I shall be telling this with a sigh,” (Line 15) allows the reader to understand the quote let alone the poem. Now, the reader has a chance to relate to the poem and view it from their standpoint rather than a literal

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