
Robert Zinn's Quote On History

Decent Essays

History is such a significant thing in the United Sates, and to our counterparts all over around the world. It has many purposes that help advance us, and it creates a source to learn from what was successful and unsuccessful. History in simpler terms is a preservation of thought during a certain period of time, documented by a person. This is why, it is important to think about how history has currently been documented and written. Often the source of our history comes from a person on one side, which usually is the more privileged side. This privileged side is able to fabricate a perfected image of themselves, and leave out the details of people with different perspectives. This is why I agree strongly with Robert Zinn’s Quote on history, and I believe that because of the amount of subjectivity in history there is not a such thing as impartial history. …show more content…

I am going to stick to one example. The example is based on how history books and the curriculum taught in American schools often portrayed Christopher Columbus’s in a heroic light. In most American books Christopher Columbus is described as a navigator and explorer who discovered the new world. What they often fail to leave out, is an another aspect of who Columbus was and his personality. Christopher Columbus can be described as very heinous person, who committed atrocious acts that even where horrible for his time. Unfortunately, this side is often just left out, or is deemed insignificant and is often not written about. As a high-school student, until recently I have not encountered a text book or lesson that did not describe Christopher Columbus as this glorious heroic figure. I can remember learning about US history in grade school, about the middle passage. However we never learned about the whole character side of Christopher Columbus. This creates an environment where students are learning things about history, but in a very partial

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