
Robotic Surgery and its Post-Op Effects

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*Robotic Surgery and its Post-Op Effects
1. After looking at the type of work that Pew Charitable Trust Fund, I came up with a type of research that I would like to study. The Pew Foundations deals with medical issues such as drug safety and the safety of medical devices. Recently, the use of the Da-Vinci robotic surgery became a common option for surgery throughout many fields of medicine such as Oncology, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, and Neurology. This robotic surgery is suppose to be a less invasive surgery method which operates through a few small incisions rather then invasively causing large scars. These different fields use the Da-Vinci as an alternative to operating surgeries. This advance of medicine brings up many questions about how efficient this option is, how much faster or slower it is, or if it is even safe. A topic I want to look at in regard to this robotic surgery is the issue if post-operation infection and pain is higher with the use of the Da-Vinci or with the use of regular invasive surgery.
2. To conduct this type of research I will be looking at different hospitals and look at reports of the surgeries that have been conducted. By looking at these reports, I will be able to see first the type of surgery that was done as well as whether it was done through robotic surgery or just regular invasive surgery. The report would also be able to tell me the post-op infection and pain rate between those who had surgery invasively or with the robotic

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