People can change bad decisions you made in the past. In the book, thank you m’am , Roger does something wrong and Luella Bates Washington Jones comes in and changes him completely. Mrs. Jones can tell that on the inside, he is a good person. Roger and Mrs. Jones interactions in the story and the conflicts that Roger goes through impels the changes in his character. At the beginning of the story Rogers External conflict between Roger and Mrs. Jones incites the change in Rogers character. Roger is getting dragged down the street by Mrs Jones after he tries to snatch her purse . As they walk in the door Mrs. Jones tells him to wash his face because it is really dirty . but Roger thinks about running away, “ Roger looked at the door, looked at the women looked at the door and went to the sink. “ Rogger could have easily started to run out the door, but he felt comfortable with Mrs. Jones and that she would teach him a lot. Roger has not been taught right from wrong when he was a child, but Mrs. Jones could change him forever with her kind heart and her love to help people and teach them a lesson. Rogers behavior starts to change because of the interactions between Mrs. Jones and himself. Mrs. Jones and Roger start to get more comfortable around each other that night . Mrs. Jones gets up off the daybed and goes into the …show more content…
Jones interactions change in the beginning of the story to the end of the story . Roger tried to steal the purse mrs. Jones dragged him home and taught him a lesson he will never forget for the rest of his life.Roger thought about running when Mrs.Jones told him to wash his face but he didn't because he knew she was going to do good things with him. As usual people if someone tried to take our purse, we would probably not take them into our house because that person that tried to steal your purse would already be labeled as a criminal . But Mrs. Jones being the person she is takes him home and changes him
When you steal or get in trouble, there can be consequences that can lead to you getting in a lot more trouble. On page one, Mrs. Jones said “Was I bothering you when I turned that corner?” In this quote, Mrs. Jones was asking Roger a very serious question that could be taken the wrong way. It could have been taken as Roger thought she was going to take him to jail. On page two, Roger said “You gonna take me to jail?” In the story, Roger thought Mrs. Jones was going to take him to jail for trying to steal her pocketbook. When you steal there
How does Mrs. Jones action changes Rodger? Well to begin Mrs. Jones is a kind, forgiving and passionate individual. On page 32 it states that Mrs. Jones thought that maybe Rodger was hungry but come to find out Rodger wasn’t hungry after all he wanted a pair of blue suede shoes but instead of asking he decided to attempt to snatch her purse.
However, he stayed. Roger learned about the strength and the importance of reliance and forgiveness. Both stories show that the character actions help change the protagonists. In “A Retrieved Reformation”, Jimmy shows his troubled past, by unlocking the bank vault and saving Agatha. In “Thank You M’am” Roger has the chance to run away, but instead he trusts Mrs. Jones and stays.
In all, Mr. Freeman helps her become a stronger person, and with his help, Melinda talks more as the year develops. This is essential to the main message of overcoming adversity and Melinda handles it maturely by grasping the feedback and applying it to her daily life positively.
Roger, the quiet, introverted child, was very clearly molded by social ethics. At one point in the novel, Roger was throwing stones at little’uns, but feeling forced to miss. “Here, invisible yet strong,
The Ripple effect, the ripple effect is about one good deed rippling out and making other good deeds. That is basically what this is, when you think about it it is actually true. In the story there are so many examples of a small action making a big change. One of those actions are when Mrs. Jones doesn’t call the cops and instead takes Roger back to her house. This is like the ripple effect because if she called the police and got taken in then he wouldn’t be given a change, Roger knows that he can do good but if he got taken to jail then he would think that he was bad because everyone is saying he is bad but instead Mrs.Jones gave him a chance and it helped him realize that he shouldn't do bad deeds and then maybe roger can teach other people
Roger’s character resembles the fall of innocence. At the beginning of the novel Roger is shy and when asked to introduce himself he muttered his name and was then silent again acordding to . Roger decides to throw rocks at Henry (one of the younger children). His morales stop him from harming the child. At that time he was still the innocent young boys he was back home. Roger , having to turn to survival instincts, he starts to feel rebellious. As the novel progresses Golding
According to the story Mrs. Jones impact on Roger will most likely make him change a lot because in the story it states that he doesn’t have anyone at home to take care of him. But since Jones had the kindness in her heart to take him in and feed him then make him clean himself up she played a huge role when she did that because his parents aren’t around to make him do things like that. After that she had gave him the money to buy the shoes he wanted so now all these beautiful old ladies don’t have to worry about getting there purse snatch because Roger became a gentleman and now knows he have to ask for things instead of taking. Basically Mrs. Jones raised him to become a man in less than 3 hours in the story it stated that Mrs. Jones told
These characters grow as they suffer through marriage problems. When the woman leaves the man, which lets him learn his mistakes and to be grateful for the things they had. He writes, “Things to tell her. That I’m sorry. That I miss her. That all I want-all I ever wanted-is for her to be happy” (Dooley and Holzman 3). The man has learned and developed into a greater human being.
People change for many reasons. Some change for the worse, but many for the better. Nobody can change a person, but someone can be the reason for someone to change. Characters are often affected by the world around them. The traditions, beliefs, and actions are colored by the atmosphere in which the character lives. Such a character is Jem Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
This is a moment that represents the original perception of Roger but what actually turns out to be. Originally Roger was a character that Junior thought he would have much contact with. He was a popular, athletic Senior who kind of scared Junior at first. But then Junior punched Roger when he made an extremely racist joke. From that moment on, Roger respected Junior. Junior did not quite understand why he respected him at first, but then his grandma gave him some words of insight. She said that he respected Junior because Junior stood up for himself. He showed bravery and punched Roger; something many people would be afraid to do. From his experiences with Perception vs. Reality, Junior realizes that you shouldn’t judge a book by his cover; he shouldn’t be quick to categorize people just from their original
In the story Roger does decide to intentionally steal from Mrs.Jones but what followed Mrs.Jones decided for him. Mrs.Jones states “But you put yourself in contact with me, said the woman. If you think that that contact is not going to last awhile, you got another thought coming. When I get through with you, sir, you are going to remember Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones." Mrs.Jones decides to nurture Roger instead of neglect and her decision in return influences his future
I think Mrs.Jones handles the situation the way she did because she wants to teach Rodger a lesson. The lesson to this story is simple, you don’t have to steal for what you want. She wanted to teach Rodger that no matter what stealing isn’t the answer. In the story she told him to just ask for what he wants instead of trying to steal. She is trying to accomplish the goal of teaching him that doing wrong is never right. Stealing is wrong and even thought his parents neglect him, stealing for a new pair of shoes is never right. I think this experience will affect Rodger because now he understands that what he did is wrong and he is not likely to do it again. Even though he tried to steal from her she still feed him and gave him money for his
Both Roger and Jimmy had to make a decision at some point in the story. Both made the one best in their situation which led them to have a chance at redemption. In both stories, the protagonist has a chance to redeem themselves and in the end they use the chance to make it a reality. In “A Retrieved Reformation”, this idea was shown with this quote, “‘Hello, Ben!’ said Jimmy, still with his strange smile, ‘You’re here at last, are you? Let’s go. I don’t care now.’” From that statement, one would conclude how Jimmy was sure he would be going to jail with the police officer, Ben Price, but Ben realized how Jimmy had acted. Roger from “Thank You, M’am”, also redeemed himself. One example would be when Mrs. Luella Bates sends Roger off, “‘Because shoes got by devilish ways will burn your feet. I got to get my rest now. But I wish you would behave yourself, son, from here on in.’ She led him down the hall to the front door and opened it. ‘Goodnight! Behave yourself, boy!’ she said, looking out into the street.” When Mrs. Luella Bates sends him off, the reader can see the trust she sent him with and how she let Roger redeem
To begin, Mrs.Jones seeks the good in others by looking past the bad. One way she did this was by being understanding with Roger. Even though it was terrible what Roger