
Rogers Theory Vs Humanistic Theory

Decent Essays

If I were a client seeking therapy I would prefer the humanistic therapeutic orientation. The humanistic theory was created by Abraham Maslow and Carol Rogers with their beliefs that people are basically good. They aim to help the client come to terms with their own meaning of life by helping them become healthier and more confident in themselves. Abraham Maslow created the hierarchy of needs, which coincides with humanistic therapy. The purpose of the hierarchy of needs is to inform people that physiological needs, safety, love/belonging, and esteem guide the way to self-actualization. On the other hand, Carol Rogers create the person-centered therapy to solely focus on the client and show empathy and understanding. They both contributed played …show more content…

Understanding one's feelings will benefit them in their journey to find their sense of meaning in life and that is what humanistic therapy is all about. Once a person is able to get in touch with their inner self and understand their own emotions, the theory will be successful. Humanistic therapists are every optimistic, accepting, and loving because they understand that the happier a person is, the better they will feel. If you are in a negative or dull therapy session odds are the outcome will not be very successful because it would be harder to really connect and open up to the therapist. The environment is a huge aspect of a theorists work and it will make a huge difference if the environment is more genuine than …show more content…

I love to talk about how I feel, rather than someone just assuming a diagnosis because they can compare it to the next client. I understand that humanistic theorists do not address past events that could be the cause of current feelings, and I think that is an important aspect. Although it could be important, how I feel at the current time that I talk to my therapist will let them know how it affects me, rather than what it is exactly. That sense of privacy, in my opinion, will create the atmosphere of trust and support. Also, in a humanistic therapist I might look for them to have a very airy and homelike office. Having a warm and welcoming office will automatically set a positive vibe. The energy is important because it can affect how the client and the therapist communicate. You do not want your client closed off and reserved when they are supposed to be open with you. The atmosphere is extremely important to me because if I do not feel comfortable, I will not feel comfortable enough to talk about my feelings. It would be an uneasy feeling in the room and it would not help me. Luckily, humanistic therapeutic orientation is a therapy that allows me, the client, to have a respectable and honest relationship with my therapist in a welcoming

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