
Role Of Suicide In Antigone

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Antigone’s failure to recognize the views of others leads to her suicide. Although Antigone is loyal and determined, her stubbornness and headstrong ways often leads her into great troubles. When Antigone and Ismene’s brother Polyneices dies, they begin to debate what they should do with the corpse. They argue whether they should honor the gods and bury him, or listen to Creon's order and let him rot. Antigone strongly believes that they should bury him. Whereas Ismene believes they shouldn't bury Polyneices, as she fears the consequences of her future actions. When Ismene refuses to help Antigone bury the body, Antigone states, “But I will bury him; and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down with him in death, and I shall be as …show more content…

She expresses that she is willing to face the wrath of Creon and even die if it means saving her brother and showing loyalty to her family. This represent how Antigone fails to recognize the views of Ismene and how her stubbornness gets in the way of seeing the consequences of her future actions, which even leads to her own death. After Antigone chooses to bury Polyneices, she is imprisoned in a stone room for her actions. However, Antigone chooses to commit suicide within the room because she believes there is no point of living anymore. The messenger finds Antigone dead and reports his findings to Creon: “We obeyed; and in the cavern’s farthest corner we saw her lying: She had a noose of her fine linen veil and hanged herself” (5 ,955). Here, the messenger is explaining to Creon that he found Antigone dead and she committed suicide. She commits suicide because she believes there is no point of living when she is destined to spend the rest of her life isolated and imprisoned. This represented how the failure of Antigone to listen to Ismene and not bury Polyneices leads to the tragedy of Antigone committing

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