The Astrolabe object helped Islamics find time for prayers and was used in the islamic golden age. Eventually it helped the European’s Navigation because it was able to find the latitude on land and it can help locate the sun, moon and stars. Asia’s innovations in ship design influenced Europe's ship. The had larger ships and more efficient ships to travel on.
European exploration was a time period in European history when European countries explored and discovered new parts of the world. The desire to grow rich and spread Christianity alongside advances in sailing technology lead to European exploration. European countries wanted the same success in trading with Asia as Italy, so they sought a direct trade route to Asia to bypass the Italian merchants who sold their goods from Asia at unreasonable prices. The spread of Christianity also led to European exploration because they believed it was their sacred duty to convert non-Catholics, which led to discovering new people and converting them. Lastly, advances in sailing technology, such as the caravel, astrolabe, and compass, led to European exploration by allowing for longer voyages and greater distances being able to be crossed.The desire to grow rich, spread Christianity, and advances in sailing technology led to European exploration.
Technologically, European exploration was pushed forward through the development of new technology such as the astrolabe, which was an instrument used for triangulation, location of celestial bodies, and finding the local time when given longitude as well as latitude. In addition, Europeans improved the compass, maritime maps, and the design of ships. The caravel, a small ship developed by the Portuguese, was used to navigate around the African and European coasts due to its maneuverability and fast speed. Politically, many rulers were drawn to exploration because of the discovery, pursuit for wealth (gold), and a way to harm the Islamic empires. For example, Prince Henry of Portugal organized expeditions to the African coast in the 15th century. In addition, Spain tried to make their naval force and
The Islamic civilization spread to encompass such an extensive empire by using their resources and becoming a peaceful civilization with peaceful people.
The “Post-Classical Period,” was a time of change, expansion, and vast cultural diffusion. The Islamic civilization is a group that emerged from the Semitic groups of southwestern Asia, and moved to the Arabian peninsula in tribes, known as the Bedouin tribes, due to lack of water and food. The Islamic Civilization encountered the cultures of the Europeans, Asians and Africans, and connected into these civilizations because of the spread of the Muslim religion. The Bedouin Arabs intensified cultural diffusion also through trade, migration, and warfare. The movement of the Islamic culture resulted in the
19. The growth of cross cultural trade spread scientific and technological traditions influencing Greek philosophy and science throughout Europe, Greek and Indian math on Muslim followers, Eastern Asia’s gunpowder and printing technologies throughout Islam and Western
The astrolabe was vital for the Spanish, French, and English exploration of the New World. It allowed them to estimate their location, an important asset that allowed them to venture further and further inland without losing their bearings. The marine astrolabe was crucial in the accurate navigation to and from the New World. Without the marine astrolabe the Spanish, French and English would not have been able to efficiently colonize the New World, as they would be unsure of their landing points and could easily become hopelessly lost at sea.
Technology had defiantly influenced the Age of Exploration in a variety of ways. More things were being developed to help sail across the Atlantic Ocean. Astrolabe was designed to tell which way was north or south (DOCUMENT 2). Whereas the hull was created to help ships sail across rough waters during storms. Technology had defiantly played a role on improving the Age of Exploration by being able to cross the seas in an improved way.
For centuries in the Muslim land the harsh and dry conditions made it hard to collect store and transport water. Most of the progress made in technology and engineering. As said in the quote "Muslim engineers also perfected the waterwheel and built underground water channels some fifty feet underground. The underground channels had manholes (openings from the street) so that they could be cleaned and repaired."(document 7) They created these inventions to help keep water and keep it clean so that they would be able to survive and thrive in where they were staying. As for astronomy most of their work was based off Hellenistic and Indian writing. This could show they were in a golden age because they took the time and effort to figure out what would work and what wouldn’t work and try and fix it. Under one of the early caliphates most Muslim scholars started learning from these writings. As said in this quote "The astrolabe, pictured, allowed people to find their precise latitude by using the position of the stars. The astrolabe was later modified to be used on ships. This innovation allowed Europeans to begin exploring the seas more safely. This lead to the Europeans finding faster trade routes to Asia by sea and Christopher Columbus’s “discovery” of the New World."(Document 6) It talks about the creation and perfection of the astrolabe and how it helped people find their exact latitude using the positions of the stars. This didn’t just help throughout the Muslim time but helped other generations of people after. It helped the Europeans find trade routes faster and help Christopher Columbus “discover” the new world. Not only that but it helped people navigate through the seas more
Much of the new technology that they brought over, however, was borrowed from various people and cultures along their travels. Some of these new technologies include the compass, which they used to figure out which direction they were travelling, and the astrolabe, which aided the sailors in trying to find out how far north or south they were from the equator. Another borrowed technology that greatly benefitted the Europeans on their travels was cartography; this is the science of map making. This was probably one of the most beneficial discoveries to the Europeans because it allowed them to draw out where they had been and where they were
With the inventions of more efficient ships and the perfection of navigational instruments, the Spanish (as well as England and France) gained a curiosity to explore and find a way to Asia by water and
Most of these items are related to the study of heavenly bodies and the subject of astronomy. The Celestial globe is used to observe the positions of the stars and other celestial bodies. The Two Quadrant are used to read time, it allows the height of the sun and the angle to the horizon to be calculated. A sundial is an instrument used to measures apparent solar time, by measuring the position of the shadow of the sun as it changes through the day. The Torquetum is an object used to determine the relative position of heavenly bodies and tell the time. According to the experts, the sundials reveal that it is 10:30 am on April 11,1533. This tells us that exact date and time of Dinteville?fs visit to London.
In the time of Britain’s early settlements in the colonies, Puritans dominated a region known as the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Individuals under puritanic law were held to very strict social and religious standards— especially those honorable few who had chosen to be holy men. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter characterizes Arthur Dimmesdale, a reverend pastor living in Boston, as a lost soul, struggling to find his purpose. The reverend remains on a dim, unclear path of life with a guilty conscience of his sinful past weighing him down for the vast majority of the novel. It is not until the end, when he freely confesses his fatherhood to Pearl, “The sin-born child,” that the author conveys Dimmesdale as a man at peace with his decisions,
There are several different aspects of the mind under soft determinism. The mind is compared to an iceberg — only the very tip of it is showing above the water while the rest is hidden from view. The actions are the top of the iceberg while all of a person’s thoughts are hidden under the surface. The iceberg could also represent the subconscious versus the conscious where the majority of work is in the subconscious while the conscious only have a small power but ultimately is the seen action. Another breakdown of the human mind is into the parts of the personality from Sigmund Freud. The three parts of the human psyche are the id, ego, and superego. The id, which represents desires, is functioning 90% of the time subconsciously. The ego or
Global warming is a world-wide issue that effects everyone and everything. It is the “increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate”. The main causes of global warming are the deforestation and the manufacturing emissions results to an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are comprised of: water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, and any fluorocarbons. The effects of global warming are endless and if it continues at this rate, the world could be in danger. Although, there are many ways to minimise the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere which can help to prevent the harmful effects of global warming. Global warming is an ethical issue that is debated around the world by people who consider it as the biggest challenge in the 21st century and others who disregards it.
As the Renaissance inspired new thinking and a greater focus in science, many great advancements were made in technology that pushed them toward exploration. One major improvement was maritime technology. For example, the Portuguese had crafted a new ship that used the European hull with triangle sails from the Middle East. This made sailing easier in strong winds and currents. Another advancement was the invention of the printing press. This allowed explorers to share information about their travels. It also inspired other explorers to try to travel to the same or new places. Due to all of the advancements in science, math, and geography the condition of Europe