
Age Of Exploration Dbq Essay

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Age of Exploration had a variety of things going on between 1400 and 1750. Many things had influenced this time period which shaped many countries. Ideas and values shaped the development of the countries in numerous ways. Overall the Age of Exploration was a time were things were expanding and becoming more powerful. Age of Exploration was greatly impacted in multiple ways however, some were progressive and some were damaging.
Gold, God, and Glory is just a small amount of things that caused the Age of Exploration. Gold was a way to describe material gain that were being traded and brought back to the lands that were valuable. Great expansion of the European economy allowed Europeans to trade between Asian, American, and African lands (DOCUMENT …show more content…

Slavery had a vast impact on the Age of Exploration. While Africans were being taken away, they were forced to do harsh labor. Yet Africans were packed tightly in the cargo area of ships, to be shipped to different countries, and being traded (DOCUMENT 4). Slavery had taken over African cultures which tore apart the African society. Diseases were brought over and had a negative effect on the population. Smallpox was brought from the Eastern Hemisphere. This had killed ninety percent of the American population, facilitating colonization. Diseases had an impact on the Age of Exploration by taking out a great deal of the population. Joint-stock companies were not the best trade route and had an unconstructive effect. While investors were buying shares of stock in a company, it took large amounts of money to establish. If a ship did not make it to the country the investor lost everything. Joint-stock companies were not a reliable trade route, especially if one had to rely on a ship to make it to the …show more content…

Technology had defiantly influenced the Age of Exploration in a variety of ways. More things were being developed to help sail across the Atlantic Ocean. Astrolabe was designed to tell which way was north or south (DOCUMENT 2). Whereas the hull was created to help ships sail across rough waters during storms. Technology had defiantly played a role on improving the Age of Exploration by being able to cross the seas in an improved way. As technology was not the only positive thing there were some economic benefits. Multiple trade routes were found connecting the lands to buy and sell materials. The Triangular Trade Route had a massive impact because it connected between Europe, Africa, and America (DOCUMENT 6). Trade had enhanced new things and was a big part of the Age of Exploration. There were many different versions of trading, such as the Global Trade. Establishment of colonial empires had been made with the Global trade. Plus there were new business and trade factors as well too. Global Trade had made a superior impact because there weren’t any negative effects on the trade

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