
Role Of Youth In National Development

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Roles of the youth in national development.
With this much advantage, there are roles that young people can be involved in national development. The roles are opportunities for the youth to better their lives and in turn develop the nation. The most important of these opportunities is in solving challenges that have bedeviled the human race for ages (Foster, 2001). This is brought about because of growth in technology and knowledge. This coupled with their desire to solve problems and overcome challenges makes something that previously seemed hard or impossible suddenly solvable. So, one of the roles of the youth in national development is problem solving. Education is an ever-evolving undertaking. What the older generations in society …show more content…

Some of those countries achieved better stability. In societies where human rights, discrimination and other such like behaviors are being practiced, the young people are driving change. In the United States, racism was abolished through the effort of the youth. Gender equality is being implemented because the youth refuse to conform to the status quo. These are just small examples of how the youth is being involved in national development. There are so many other areas that the youth have a role in effecting prosperity, stability and cohesion.
Challenges the youth face.
Challenges the youth face in their quest for a better life also act as major hindrances to their contributing to the national development. Some of these are lack of education, unemployment, cynicism, poverty and resistance from the status quo (Banks, 2016). These challenges make them waste away their precious commodity, which is energy. They can also put that energy to negative use like engaging in crime. These vices make them waste away their energy. We have so many young people wasting away in prisons because of crime. Others are dead because of engaging in crime. This is a precious asset that would otherwise be benefiting the host country in a big way. It is instead wasting away.
Young people should be given every opportunity to contribute to the national development (World Bank Publications, 2006).

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