
Role Transition

Decent Essays

Role Development and Role Transition Paper

Taking the time to reflect on one’s career can increase self-awareness and enhance professional development. A role development plan is a confidential and integral document created by an individual which outlines the activities undertaken during their life journey. Moreover, a development plan is reminiscent of ones’ past experiences and a glance at the future. Having a professional role development plan in place is critical for graduate study to keep track of one’s progression. The transition from a bedside nurse to a nurse educator is one that is influenced by some internal and external factors. The primary purpose of this assignment is to reflect on my journey from a bedside nurse to a nurse educator and the skills that are required to transition into this new role.
Role as an Educator & Researcher:

As I reflect back on my journey from being a bedside nurse to an educator, I can safely say that I was born to be an educator. My passion for teaching and research has led me to this journey to enhance my knowledge in obtaining a degree in nursing education. The driving force that brings me on this journey is my desire for teaching. Hence, as I transition into this new role as a nursing educator, it will prepare me to be a change agent in my community and make a difference in the lives of …show more content…

My vision is to advance my study in nursing education. Being able to teach other nurses will demonstrate that my goals are accomplished. Individuals in both university and clinical areas, both professional and otherwise, have contributed to equipping me with many skills and knowledge for future practice as a qualified nurse educator. Also, they have raised an awareness of, and a desire to engage in the process of lifelong learning which will be essential to meeting tomorrow health care

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