
Role of Women in American Revolution

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By declaring independence, America demonstrated that it was possible to overthrow “old regimes”. This was the first time a colony had rebelled and successfully asserted its rights to self-government and nationhood. This inspired many European nations and colonies to revolt. The United States had created a new social contract in the form of its Constitution, in which they realized the ideas of Enlightenment. The natural rights of man, and the ideas of liberty, equality, and freedom of religion, were no longer unrealistic Utopian ideals. The framers of U.S Constitution rejected the Greek model of civic republicanism. They distinguished between the notion of “democracy” and their own proposed system of representative democracy. This made the …show more content…

NANCY MORGAN HART of Georgia called “war women” by local creeks was a formidable women a known spy. She is credited with taking a number of British prisoners and even capturing an enemy spy. HART was just one of the many women who risked their lives spying and delivering vital intelligence for the Americans. Women also attempted daring acts of bravery to strip British couriers of their papers and a number of women also served as couriers for the American cause. ANNE BALEY from Virginia, and EMILY GEIGER from south Carolina…are known for risking their lives and travelling hundreds of miles to deliver vital military information. Women also played a role in army camps. Most women and children became camp followers out of economic necessity. Women who were unable to make ends meet at home alone went with their family male family member into army camps. Some women, however, followed soldiers because they could not bear the separation while other women were refugees Aristocratic women were much better off than women from the middle and labor classes. They enjoyed dances, dinner parties, tempting food and kept some of the camp followers to do menial tasks. MARRY HAYS, traditionally known as MOLLY PITCHER was another battle field wife who engaged in actual fighting, she took to firing in place of her dead husband and

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