
Roles of the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Essay

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The Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, or T.F.I., is said to be the most important national security agency in the U.S. government. The Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence operates the department's intelligence and enforcement functions with the aims of protecting the financial system against illicit use and combating rogue nations, terrorist facilitators, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) proliferators, money launderers, drug kingpins, and other national security threats.

Terrorism and Financial Intelligence develops and implements U.S. strategies to combat terrorist financing domestically and internationally, develops and implements the National Money Laundering Strategy as well as other policies and programs …show more content…

positions, represent the U.S. at FATF meetings, and effectuate actions domestically.
Protecting Charitable Organizations from terrorist abuse is a dire piece of the world’s fight against terrorism. Charities provide essential services, comfort, and hope to those in need everywhere. Unfortunately, terrorists have exploited the charitable sector to make and move funds, provide logistics, encourage recruitment, or support terrorist organizations and operations. This abuse threatens to undermine donor confidence and compromise the integrity of the charitable sector, whose services are indispensable to the world.

Terrorist Finance Tracking Program (TFTP) was developed after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 to identify, track, and pursue terrorists, such as Al-Qaida and their networks. Since that time, the TFTP has provided valuable leads that have assisted in the prevention or investigation of many of the most visible and violent terrorist attacks of the past decade.

In 2004, Congress passed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act which created the Office of the Director for National Intelligence (DNI) to oversee and coordinate all intelligence collection in order to advise Congress and the White House. The result of this reorganization, the director of the CIA no longer reports directly to the president.

Here is an outline of how the Offices work together. No other finance association in the world has an operation quite like TFI, an

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