
Roman Ethos Analysis

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What were important to the Roman Ethos were values, family, and religion. The romans valued loyalty, dependability, constancy, perseverance, and dedication. With any family there is a set of standards that everyone holds to and the Romans held these values high for many reasons. One, the strong bond they had with their families. “Families were dominated by men. At the head of Roman family life was the oldest living male, called the "paterfamilias," or "father of the family." He looked after the family's business affairs and property and could perform religious rites on their behalf” (, 2016). If it were not for the loyalty and the dependability in their era ultimately the family would have crumbled. What I pride on reading about the roman ethos is that everyone lived together and each member of the family had a specific role or duty. Most importantly everything was kept inside of the family even the control of life and death. This may sound crazy but unlike today the family in the 21st century is broken and there is no loyalty. My family for instance at a young age I was groomed to think family was everything which it was, but now there are …show more content…

Although we believe in a higher God, they worshiped Gods and Goddesses and according to how the household was ran it held a strong bond among the family members. With reading though it seems that a lot of the beliefs they held close, near, and dear where made up religions. The reason I say this is because the hold they had on their family members, almost as if this could have been some kind of cult and typically most cults normally have these made up religions and beliefs. According to (Wasson, 2013), “early forms of the Roman religion were animistic in nature, believing that spirits inhabited everything around them, people included. The first citizens of Rome also believed they were watched over by the spirits of their

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