
Romeo And Juliet Is Responsible For Romeo's Death

Satisfactory Essays

Juliet is responsible for her and Romeo’s death. When he killed Mercutio he had to leave the city. Her mother and father still wanted her to marry Paris but she did not want to so she went to the Friar and he gave her a potion that made her sleep for 2 days straight. Her family thought she was dead so they put her in the tomb. That caused Romeo to drink poison and kill himself when Juliet woke up and saw he was dead she stabbed herself. That caused the family feud to die down and they became friends. Romeo and Juliet fell in love when they first saw each other. Romeo was head over heels for Juliet even though she was the enemy's only daughter. He used to be in love with Rosaline before he met Juliet at the Lord Capulet's party.

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