
Romeo And Juliet Who Is To Blame Essay

Decent Essays

The person you love the most can also be the one who hurts you the most. In the book, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two lovers face horrible tragedies by taking their lives. This story starts with a known feud between two families - the Capulets and Montagues. Although Romeo and Juliet come from opposing families, they fall in love and cannot resist to stay apart from each other. After many hardships, the ill-fated couple decide to take their own lives. While many characters play a part of their death, the blame should go to Romeo and Juliet. The two lovers are at blame for their own death because they literally and metaphorically cannot live without each other. Romeo swears their love by the moon, but Juliet responds, “O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly …show more content…

Lord Capulet intimidates Juliet if she does not marry Paris which makes her vulnerable. Capulet moves up the wedding date which leads to Juliet faking her death and the death of Romeo. While there may be some reasons to support the other side, the other side is incorrect because Capulet had not intended nor did he kill Romeo and Juliet. Lord Capulet talks to Paris about how to make Juliet happier, “Sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender of my child's love I think she will be rul’d” (III.iv.12-13). He thinks Tybalt’s death brings her sorrow and wants Juliet to be happy. He thinks the key to her happiness is with marriage. While conversing with Lady Capulet, he says, “Day, night, hour, tide, time, work, play, alone, in company, still my care hath been to have her match’d” (III.v.185-187). Lord Capulet does not want Juliet to be alone. Capulet says that it is his duty to find Juliet a worthy husband. Therefore, Lord Capulet genuinely cares for Juliet and would never harm her, she killed

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