People have always believed in love at first sight, but no one foresaw how tragic love could truly be. William Shakespeare, in the play Romeo and Juliet, showed this beautifully. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, a tragic yet timeless tale of two teens from rivaling families falling in love with each other. Their young yet fiery love was kept a secret, by not only them, but by Friar Lawrence and Juliet's Nurse, the only two other people who knew about the two lovers. Through many unfortunate twists and turns, however, both Romeo and Juliet, along with four others, ended up dead. Although many people shared blame, the two people most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet were Lord and Lady Capulet and Friar Lawrence.
Ignorance may be bliss, but in this case it
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Lord and Lady Capulet had no idea that their actions would play a part in the death of their own daughter, Juliet, and her lover Romeo. Lord Capulet surely thought he was doing the right thing, by offering Juliet's hand to the County Paris. “...acquaint her here of my son Paris’ love and bid her...on Wednesday next…” (3.4.16-17). Lord Capulet saw her sobbing over the death of her cousin, Tybalt, but was naive to the fact that those tears were in fact for her newly-banished spouse Romeo. If it were not for Lord Capulet forcing Juliet into an untimely engagement to Paris, Romeo and Juliet may have survived. Due to this complication, however, a new plan was incited, a plan that led to the passing of Romeo and Juliet. Their deaths may have been avoided, if after Lord Capulet saw how upset Juliet was at the thought of her getting married to Paris, he let her do as she pleased, and stay a maiden. However, Lord Capulet did not only tell her to do as she was told, he threatened to kick her out of the house. As Lord Capulet
In this essay I will be exploring the reasons as to why some people would argue that a certain person or people are to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Who’s fault is it for the various deaths? In “Romeo and Juliet” by William Skakespeare there’s various deaths. Teenage lovers fell in love but their familes hated each other. When they got married no one knew. Friar Lawrence married them in private but, the nurse did know. In Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence is to blame for all the various deaths. He married Romeo and Juliet and came up with the plan for Juliet to appear her death.
Blame is a word used to describe those who have some type of fault in a situation. Love can cause great emotions, yet it can also cause tragedies. When your love is strong enough it can also be dangerous, Romeo and Juliet caused the death of six people in a course of three days just so they can be together. In Romeo and Juliet there are many to blame for the cause of each death, but the most responsible for this situation are those who follow: Juliet, Nurse, and Friar Lawrence. Juliet could have stopped the death of six people if she only told the truth. The Nurse, also one to blame, could have spoke out and helped out in the situation. At last, Friar Lawrence, he could have made the choice not to marry Romeo and Juliet, yet all he wanted was for the Capulets and Montagues to be in peace.
The definition of blame, holding someone accountable for an action or result. In the story Romeo and Juliet, there is a lot of blame going around. The people or things deserving the most blame are the Capulet and Montague feud, Lady and Lord Capulet, and Romeo and Juliet. The feud caused the prince to issue a warning telling if the Capulets and Montagues were ever seen fighting again, death would occur. This in the end caused the death of Tybalt and Mercutio. They forced the second marriage to Paris upon Juliet, the first being to Romeo. Juliet went to Friar Laurence to seek a way out of it and got a potion. Romeo and Juliet, the two star-crossed lovers mentioned in the prologue who got married just hours after knowing each other. Romeo's impulsiveness
In this essay you will ask yourself who is to blame in the story Romeo and Juliet for all of the deaths that took place. In the essay you will also be told about three people and things that could be to blame.
Whenever a problem occurs, there is always someone to take the blame, whether it be a war between two countries or an argument between siblings. In the play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, it is no different. This story shows tragedy after tragedy and focuses on the tragic events that led the lovers to their deaths. However, there is much controversy surrounding who is to blame for the tragedies that took place. Some say that their families caused the deaths, while others say their counselor and mentor, Friar lawrence, is to blame since he married the two despite the potential consequences. Based on the facts, Romeo is to blame for all the tragedies that took place. Romeo acted infatuatedly, vengefully, and impulsively throughout this play, causing him to produce many tragedies along the way.
‘From forth the loin of these two foes/ A pair of star crossed lovers take their life’ 1.2.chorus. Romeo and Juliet, a very famous play written by William Shakespeare, is filled with nearly every powerful emotion imaginable, love, lust, hate, desire, spite, joy, happiness, depression, adoration, anger, vengeance and so many more. The tragic deaths of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet were brought about by how the people around them and they themselves dealt with these emotions.
Romeo and Juliet were two young people from feuding families, who fell in love. Their love was so strong, that they ended up dying for each other. The ironic twist at the end of the story surprised many who had read it. But who is to blame for this tragedy? Many characters in this play could be to blame. We believe that some of the characters to blame are Capulet, Friar Lawrence, plus Romeo and Juliet themselves.
Killing yourself isn’t worth it. The characters most to blame for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet are the “star crossed lovers”, themselves, Lawrence, Tybalt, and Lord Capulet. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story about Romeo and Juliet who are the main characters that are supposed to be sworn enemies but end up falling in love. Romeo and Juliet are the main people to blame for all the tragedies that were caused in the play, as well as Friar Lawrence, Tybalt, and Lord Capulet. The main character that is most to blame for all the tragedies that happened in the play was Romeo.
Who’s to Blame? The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is about two individuals who fall in love but have parents who hate each other. They have to sneak around to be with each other and make sure their parents do not find out. They both love each other so much they do anything for each other.
The controversial age-old question that is bound to vary no matter who you ask is who is responsible for the tragic end of Romeo & Juliet. In the above-mentioned Shakespearean tragedy, the adults' schemes, beliefs, and selfishness are the predominant factors that lead to the demises of the title characters. Though some of the blame can be pinned on Romeo and Juliet, the parents', the Nurse's, and the Friar's emotionally driven decisions had the tendency to backfire on them. In the end, they caused more harm than good for Romeo and Juliet and for the people of Verona.
In the play, Romeo and Juliet, there are many people to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s death. This is because Romeo and Juliet both committed suicide. When choosing who to blame, you have to look at who drove them the most. The best choices would be Juliet, Friar Lawrence, and Romeo. These people were picked because they play a big enough role in the deaths because of how much they were involved.
Many have said that romance brings love and affection, but when taken to the extreme, it can lead to tragedy and despair. Among the great literary tragedies, Romeo and Juliet may be the most famous of them all. The eternal feud between the Montegues and Capulets prohibits the love of Romeo and Juliet and ultimately results in their unfortunate deaths. It may be difficult to truly determine who is to blame for the tragedy, because their lives had been influenced, criticized, and controlled by many figures. Among the most important characters, Friar Lawrence enables the forbidden marriage of the two lovers and devises a plan to ensure that they end up together. On the other hand, Lord and Lady Capulet feed into the rivalry between the two
Romeo and juliet love story Juliet is 2% responsible because she was the reason Romeo killed himself because she faked her death and he thought she had killed herself. It was the night before juliet wedding with Parris and Juliet is in here room and she is getting ready to drink the posienFarewell god knows when we shall meet again I have a faint cold fear thrill through my veins That almost freezes up the heat of life I’ll call them back again to comfort me. Nurse - I am a nurse! What should she do here (Shakespeare 224).
What is most responsible for the two lovely lover-Romeo and Juliet’s death? In my opinion, there is no one particular person to really blame on their death. However, it is every single person are should be blamed for the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet. If I was answering the question of who were the few most responsible people for their tragedy-it would be three people. Because of people’s decision and different point of view, the people most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet are Lady Capulet, Nurse, and Friar Lawrence.