
Romeo And Juliet Who's To Blame Analysis

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People have always believed in love at first sight, but no one foresaw how tragic love could truly be. William Shakespeare, in the play Romeo and Juliet, showed this beautifully. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, a tragic yet timeless tale of two teens from rivaling families falling in love with each other. Their young yet fiery love was kept a secret, by not only them, but by Friar Lawrence and Juliet's Nurse, the only two other people who knew about the two lovers. Through many unfortunate twists and turns, however, both Romeo and Juliet, along with four others, ended up dead. Although many people shared blame, the two people most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet were Lord and Lady Capulet and Friar Lawrence.

Ignorance may be bliss, but in this case it …show more content…

Lord and Lady Capulet had no idea that their actions would play a part in the death of their own daughter, Juliet, and her lover Romeo. Lord Capulet surely thought he was doing the right thing, by offering Juliet's hand to the County Paris. “...acquaint her here of my son Paris’ love and bid her...on Wednesday next…” (3.4.16-17). Lord Capulet saw her sobbing over the death of her cousin, Tybalt, but was naive to the fact that those tears were in fact for her newly-banished spouse Romeo. If it were not for Lord Capulet forcing Juliet into an untimely engagement to Paris, Romeo and Juliet may have survived. Due to this complication, however, a new plan was incited, a plan that led to the passing of Romeo and Juliet. Their deaths may have been avoided, if after Lord Capulet saw how upset Juliet was at the thought of her getting married to Paris, he let her do as she pleased, and stay a maiden. However, Lord Capulet did not only tell her to do as she was told, he threatened to kick her out of the house. As Lord Capulet

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