
Room 101 Lab Report Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Armpit sweating is normal for people to have. You are not the only one facing this dilemma. People who sweat profusely often times find themselves in an embarrassing situation. As you start searching for information on how to stop armpit sweating, you will learn that there are actually methods that work well under the circumstances.

Malt Vinegar

Application of malt vinegar at night is extremely helpful in reducing excessive sweating. During night time, it will saturate your armpit. You should take regular bath in the morning and apply your usual deodorant. This natural remedy is effective if you do it religiously.


This method is not as easy for men as it is for women. However, shaving is really a great way to reduce armpit sweating. Why? It is because when skin is exposed to air, the skin will be cooled down thereby keeping it dry. If you have hair on your armpit, the hair is actually preventing the skin to cool down rapidly. …show more content…

It will attract more heat and in turn your body will be producing a lot of sweat in order to compensate with the rising temperature. Light clothes, on the other hand, will deflect heat.


Ask your doctor about antiperspirants that contain aluminum chloride hexahydrate, which is a strong antiperspirant designed for people who have excessive body sweating. This method is effective for some people.

How to stop armpit sweating is generally a common problem that people deal with. This is because excessive sweating can ruin your life professionally and

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