
Rose Pesotta And The Garment Workers Movement Analysis

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Rose Pesotta the vice president of International Ladies’ Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) achieved what many believe to be impossible, to organize a large group of primarily Mexican immigrant workers in the garment industry. In her arrival to Los Angeles in 1933 she quickly perceive the constraints she would have to work under, from language barriers all the way to patriarchal challenges. The Garment Worker Movement really connected with her personally because just like her, the Los Angeles dressmakers were primarily women who were suspicious of the white world and were strongly expected to fail. She too was an immigrant woman working for a union that didn't give her much recognition or help because of her sex. The Garment Worker Movement was a struggle that had built up over the year from enduring all types of violence, because the system structure has been oppressing women for many years it was believe change couldn’t happen, it wasn't until Pesotta’s tactics and strategies to organize that proved everyone who believed that Mexicans couldn't organize wrong. Both Pesotta and the garment workers were fighting a battle against patriarchy. The Garment Workers Movement lead by Rose Pesotta was a result of many years of struggle. This workers were silently suffering from structural violence and institutional violence not only from their employer but also from the ILGWU. In the article “Gender, Class, or Ethno-Cultural Struggle? The Problematic Relationship between Rose Pesotta

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