
Rough Draft Autobiography

Decent Essays

I was born in the East African nation of Ethiopia and lived there for the majority of my life. I recently moved to the United States, specifically to New York City. I was the first born to my family, Unlike every other kid in my neighborhood, I, for one, did not spend my childhood singing kumbaya with others. I had a reason to stay behind, but my mother had a more convincing one, every time I tried to play with others I ended up in heated fights, most of the time unaware of the reasons behind said fights. So I obeyed my folks and remained home. While at home, I found different methods to kill time; keep my mind engaged through comic books. Every now and then, my aunts and uncles from America would come to visit and leave me with their children’s DVDs or their comics to keep as a souvenir. …show more content…

I had in my possession all three issues of the story. Once I acquired them, I was ensnared and they became a medium through which I escape reality. A reality very chaotic for me around that time, a bit too much for a ten-year-old to handle. Along these lines, comic books became a way for me to cope with all my emotions. This is when my story becomes your typical teen story in America, but keep in mind that I came to the U.S when I was fifteen. When I was ten, my mom sat me down before dinner to tell me, "Things with me and your dad are not working out.” This shattered my world into pieces. This sort of story might be a regular in America, however, in Ethiopia, it was a major deal. Whenever I had an argument with someone after that, their punchline would be the fact that I was raised by a single

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