
Rowan's Lesson: The Readin Lessons

Decent Essays

The reason I read this story was because I knew nothing about it. The title was vague and maybe even a little misleading; the fact of the matter was I was intrigued. Not to mention it was on the Commandant’s reading list. The story starts off with Rowan being ordered to deliver a message to Garcia, hence the title. You would think that this story is about Rowan but really it is about how he handed his mission. All he is given is an order then he is dropped on an island with nothing but this letter and his own intuition to guide him on this journey through hostile territory. A couple paragraphs later he completes his mission it is unclear what evens preceded his completion but the point was clear. Rowan had instant obedience to orders and used his knowledge and quick thinking to complete the mission. The rest of the …show more content…

We as Marines need to know when it is appropriate to ask questions. A sign of leadership is the ability to fill in the gray areas with intuition and without someone holding our hands at every turn. Another take away from this lesson is recognizing when we have Marines who we can delegate a mission or task to and they will be able to finish it quickly and correctly. As stated in the story these people are hard to come by and they are irreplaceable recourses. Leaders need to seek out these people and keep them close at hand. Most would say it isn’t what you are given but how you use what has been given to you. This would be a prime example that that isn’t always the case. Remember there are always exceptions to nearly every rule. We must never let our judgment get clouded we need to keep our ears and eyes open to developments taking places especially in our subordinates and leaders above us. Situational awareness caries onto our professional relationships as

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