Part A: Pick one sample portfolio given (see links below in forum, in Sakai Resources, and in Forum 1 PPT) and then choose one outcome within the sample to focus on. Provide specific examples of how the sample you chose does or does not reflect each item noted for that outcome in the Guide.
• Collen Schleh’s portfolio is the sample I decided to choose. I decided to focus on the learning outcome 6. The following outcome has the title, “Demonstrated ability to describe the grammatical and phonological structures of English and analyze learners’ production to create appropriate/related learning activities.” This outcome is important to me because it contains a reflection in which students’ errors are to be prioritized. Also, the application that she explains is very clear and does reflect each item noted for that outcome in the Guide. Although, she is a new teacher she does not let that pull her back to use as an excuse to not know what to do. Instead she shares that she will review, become more familiar and build awareness to, “analyze, and classify students’ errors and develop appropriate learning activities.” I observed that both her outcomes reflect her reflection and application. Regardless about her lack of experience as a teacher, her portfolio in general was concise and clear.
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Select 1 or 2 outcome(s) that you feel less confident that you either understand or know how to meet. Post your questions or concerns regarding the outcome(s) in the forum, so we can support each other in the understanding the details of each outcome and how mastery of outcomes will need to be shown in the
Besides the original scope of work for Agreement P294-11-015 and Amendment No.1, through Amendment No. 2 the Consultant will advance the preliminary engineering 30% design of the SR-160 Phase 2(Western Segment) to final completion (In stages of, Intermediate Submittal design, QA Submittal, PS&E Submittal and Doc Date Plans Submittal Including specifications and cost estimate). The limits of Phase 2 of the agreement will be along SR160, using the “P1” and “L1” alignments from STA “P1” 700+00 to STA “L1” 367+00 (MP limits approximately CL16.51 to CL22.20).The amendment cost estimate is $3 Million and the work including construction support is estimated to be completed by spring of 2019.
Organizations with Liux OS as their server platform might use all of these as their primary nework services.
On September 11, 2015, I was pulled over and accused of going 76mph on a road where the speed limit was 45mph. At first I was in shock because I was unaware that my driving was so recklessly, however, that same day one of my tires was found to be flat resulting in a trip to Tire Kingdom to purchase a new tire. When I arrived, a few of the mechanics on duty commented on the size of my tires. They informed me that the rims that were on my car at the time, and had been on my car since before I bought it, were nineteen inches long and the rims designed for my car are supposed to be fifteen inches long. They then went on to explain that due to the size of the tires versus the size of the car, my speedometer was actually displaying my speed to be
By furthering my qualifications and teaching Communications maintenance school, I have had a fleet wide impact on the supervisors of each communications division. Additionally, being selected as Instructor of the Year FY 2015 and Department MTS Coordinator I have more influence on the daily operations of NAVSUBSCOL as a whole. I am applying for the LDO program to further extend this influence. I am a hard charging individual that leads by raising the standards and demanding it from others to follow, this is why I was ranked #1 out of 85 in my command. I am highly competent, computer savvy and well educated sailor that has always desired to be part of the LDO community.
I would have to say that even though I would approach the assignment differently, I would, however, did the same in the fact that I would not have canceled my prior commitments because of the paper. I am a schedule fanatic, I have rarely ever in my life done something spontaneous, in other words I need list and get frustrated when my schedules are interfered with. So, I would have to keep my prior arrangements but find time in between to do the assignment. For example, on Friday when I got home I would have at least started working on the details in which I would write about. As we have learned in this course, I would have started my prewriting before I would have gone to the movies, and when I got back from the movies I would look over my
Before I start this application, lemme classify some few things. My name is Bryan and I am 14. I have been on this server for a long time, and I feel that its time for me to move on. I have been wanting to apply since last year. I stopped posting applications since "February" or so (2015). I felt that I've changed a lot in my life and have proven myself enough that I have courage, kindness, respect and strength to do such abilities. I have learnt all my mistakes i did. (Such as: Lying of Age, etc) And i really hope that you all believed me that i changed.
There is sufficient fake news today that validation of certain packets of SOCMINT might have to simply be thrown on the back burner. There is so little fact checking anyways so one implication is that SOCMINT will be directed to the final user and mass-disseminated if it must reach a large group with the ever present stamp “take this with a grain of salt” or “rumor has it…” The benefit of seeing the big picture remains and patterns can still be detected. “The massive sample size creates something of a normalizing effect and enables higher confidence levels in the inferring of trends, anomalies and patterns which might normally escape notice with small datasets, with implications for future predictions.” (Lim, 2015. 4).
2. Why did you write this piece? Even if the piece began with a prompt-- you took it from there --where did your inspiration come from?
Please respond to the following questions pertaining to your chapter reading. Use complete sentences with proper grammar and mechanics. Save this template on your computer, type your responses in it, save again and submit to the appropriate link on the course site. The following questions are in regards to Mr. Morse and the three different teams working to meet the needs of students Jake and Marvin. You can find these questions and information regarding these questions on pages 23 & 24 in your textbook.
Identify two specific learning needs the student has as an English learner, based on the student description and the responses.
My interviewee was Sarah Afshinpour she’s a Teacher and she has been teaching for 8 years and she is a currently the Aboriginal Education Coordinator at Roma Mitchell Secondary collage (RMSC). She started teaching in the country that is where she comes from originally.
While sitting at my desk in a classroom overflowing with colorful decorations, my 1st grade classmates and I were taught how to add and subtract. At that moment, I had no idea that numbers would soon become one of the biggest factors in my life. Before I knew it, my journey as a number on a sheet of paper began. From third grade to my senior year of high school, I have been tested in every way, shape, and form and compared to kids all around the country. My test scores decided if I was able to move on to the next grade, what classes I took, and will soon factor into what college I will be attending. Those numbers have seemingly been the determinant in how successful I have been academically and how successful I am expected to be. Numbers even
I met my best friend Briana Williams when I was eight years old, in the second grade at Flat Rock Elementary School. Ms. Wyatt our second grade teacher would always line us up next to each other because we were both about the same height. Before you knew it we began forming a friendship.
Through completing this activity, I learned more than I have with any other activity I have done thus far while earning my Education Specialist degree. I had to observe a teacher and provide constructive feedback using the Framework for Teaching. This observation included a pre-conference where the teacher told me what she wanted me to pay particular attention to. It required that I observe in real-time, rather than simply using a video where I can pause frequently. I then had to analyze the data I collected during the observation, in order to determine strengths and areas for improvement that I shared during the post-conference. The teacher was a master teacher and thought the lesson went very well. She was shocked when I had some ideas for how to improve her instruction. I mentioned that students seemed fidgety, and she could incorporate more cooperative structures to get students more active in their learning. I also thought she needed cooperative roles for students when they completed their group work, that way everyone was accountable for the work.
Malcom Knowles’ assumptions of adult learners notes that motivation is a key factor in adult learning new content. Whether the motivation is