
Rttls Unit 1 Assignment

Decent Essays

Part A: Pick one sample portfolio given (see links below in forum, in Sakai Resources, and in Forum 1 PPT) and then choose one outcome within the sample to focus on. Provide specific examples of how the sample you chose does or does not reflect each item noted for that outcome in the Guide.
• Collen Schleh’s portfolio is the sample I decided to choose. I decided to focus on the learning outcome 6. The following outcome has the title, “Demonstrated ability to describe the grammatical and phonological structures of English and analyze learners’ production to create appropriate/related learning activities.” This outcome is important to me because it contains a reflection in which students’ errors are to be prioritized. Also, the application that she explains is very clear and does reflect each item noted for that outcome in the Guide. Although, she is a new teacher she does not let that pull her back to use as an excuse to not know what to do. Instead she shares that she will review, become more familiar and build awareness to, “analyze, and classify students’ errors and develop appropriate learning activities.” I observed that both her outcomes reflect her reflection and application. Regardless about her lack of experience as a teacher, her portfolio in general was concise and clear. …show more content…

Select 1 or 2 outcome(s) that you feel less confident that you either understand or know how to meet. Post your questions or concerns regarding the outcome(s) in the forum, so we can support each other in the understanding the details of each outcome and how mastery of outcomes will need to be shown in the

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