
Compare And Contrast Rugby And Football

Decent Essays

There are a lot of things in life that many people can compare and contrast. One of the biggest things to compare and contrast is Rugby vs Football. Rugby and football are very often considered the same sport. Even though they are very similar they are also very different.
A big similarity with rugby and football is the way you score. In rugby and football the players have to get to the end zone. Most players for the two sports run the ball into the end zone. Running to the end zone is how you score. The score differential is a little different, but for the most part it’s the same scoring method.
Both of the sports objectives are the same. The main objective is to get the ball to the end zone without creating a turn over. In order to create …show more content…

In football you can throw the ball forward to any receiver. The sport also settles for field goals. With field goals your still putting points up on the board. In rugby the only way to get rid of the ball is to throw it backwards. The players can not throw the ball forward to their teammates ahead. So the only way to gain progress down the field is to keep running with the ball.
The penalties are a lot different between the two sports. In football you can get a penalty for holding an opponent, putting your hands in their face mask, roughing the passer, and also intentional grounding. But in rugby the players can't tackle anyone without the ball, tripping the opponents, and blocking someone from tackling the other person. The penalties are a lot rougher in football then they are in rugby. Football penalties are easier to notice then in rugby.
Rugby and football have their similarities and differences. The two sports objectives are the same score with the ball and don't let your opponents score. Even though they are played differently a lot of players for each sport play both of them. Last summer Olympics a NFL player played for the American rugby team. So people love both of the sports. Even though they are

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