
Ruining A Baby

Decent Essays

Having a baby at a young age does not ruin someone but it can inspire, a baby can become a muse. Many people say that having a baby at a young age can ruin our lives. I would like to differ, I believe a baby does not ruin our lives. I think that if a teenager has a baby and wants to keep moving forward with life and school we will put our children first, but if a teen has a baby and decides to drop out of school than that is where the parent messes up not the baby. A baby does not choose to be created and be brought into this world, it is us make the decision. When I had my baby I made an oath to never drop out of school even when times got rough. I made an oath to finish high school and go to college so that I could provide a better life for my baby. …show more content…

When I had my baby in December of 2014 I made an oath to never think about dropping out of school no matter how hard times got. I am a single mom, student, and employee and yes it is hard but it is amazing knowing I am able to juggle everything on my own. Yes I do get my mom’s help but she only babysits my daughter while I go to work and school. It has never crossed my mind not even once that my child has ruined my life because she did not chose to come into this world. My entire family was against me having a baby at 16 but I hate abortion and I coul not stand the idea of giving up my baby for adoption. I knew that I could be a mom and still reach my goals I know I can not be

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