
Rumspringa- the Amish Ritual

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Rumspringa: An Amish Ritual
In the Amish religion, there lies a pivotal tradition for many of its adolescent followers. There are a number of Americans whom are likely to have never heard of this rite; as it is practiced by a small demographic, consisting of roughly 200,000 people . Their tradition, referred to as the Pennsylvania-German term "Rumspringa", can best be explained by the word's translation. With "rum-", translating in English to "around", and "-schpringe", meaning "to run" or "to skip", Rumspringa roughly translates to: "running around". In essence, this is what the young participants do, as they explore the modern American society. While this tradition entails both religious symbol and myth, the primary …show more content…

With the modern world symbolizing damnation, the Amish religion counters by symbolizing salvation. These statements alone, with such confidence in the religion, help explain why there is an impressive and astonishingly high, (80-90%) return rate among the tested Amish.
The concept of "The Devil's Playground" not only serves as an Amish myth, but as a symbol as well. Consider the statement made by Roger Schmidt saying, "Symbols reveal how life should be ordered". Our daily experience in modern America is conditioned to be a normal concept to us, thus a symbol of the world we know. Consequently, if Schmidt's statement rings true, it also orders how our lives should be lived. To the Amish, on the other hand, this everyday life most of the nation leads symbolizes temptation and sin. Per Schmidt's philosophy, the Amish life is then ordered by what the outside world symbolizes to them; a life of sacrifice and purity must be lived. Aside from the everyday symbol that orders life, there is one other symbol in Rumspringa that bears mentioning. Oddly enough, the symbol lies within the meaning of the word "Rumspringa" itself. A point that Schmidt makes is, "Symbols are vehicles of meaning". With this in mind, one might ask what Rumspringa a vehicle of meaning is for. While the word literally translates to "running around", many have perceived its' name as being a

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