
Running A Defensive Line In Soccer

Decent Essays

Running a defensive line in soccer can be the most important thing in a game, but it takes skill and experience to run it against the very best. On the backline there are four defenders, two on the inside and two outside. The two inside defenders are called defenders and the two outside defenders are called backs. Both sets have their own responsibilities during a game. When learning how to run the backline you must have three basic skills: knowing when to step, field awareness, and correct positioning.
Knowing when to step is a skill that takes years of experience to perfect. ‘Step’ is a term used when talking about pressuring or challenging the player with the ball. To step you must anticipate what the ball carrier is going to do. For instance, if the competitor is going towards the sideline you must pursue them in their run and try to hinder it. However, when trying to determine when to step or not you must look at your field position and where the rest of your teammates are on the field in relation to you. If your help is isolated, you must pressure the ball carrier to the outside sideline. When …show more content…

If your right back moves up into the attack and does not realize where they are on the field, you must acquire another teammate to fill their spot to prevent the other team from getting a fast counterattack. For a defender, you should almost never cross midfield unless you are making a run or going up for a drop. Usually there is a forward or wing sitting at midfield that you need must guard in case they collect the ball. Also you must be aware of where the other team is on the field. If an opposite forward is trying to slink in behind you, you must make sure you are able to see them at all times and be able to quickly pressure them to be able to delay their run so you can give your team time to give

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