
Running In The Family Michael Ondaatje

Decent Essays

Finding one’s identity is an arduous task which questions the past, present and ever changing unknown future, therefore never ending the journey of discovery.

Throughout “Running in the Family”, Michael Ondaatje, travels back to Ceylon twice in order to discover information about his ancestors. This shows Michael searching for the past to achieve a more profound view of himself and what he comes from. Without the past he would not be how he is today. In order to fully understand what his ancestors were like, Michael needs to put himself in their shoes.The first travel back he goes by himself; while the second time, he brings his daughter. When he goes back to Ceylon he also visits the past: the aunts and people who were alive when he was not. “...her 80-year-old brain leaps like a spark plug …show more content…

half deaf and blind…” they can remember the past like it was yesterday. As Michael stated, “They knit the story together, each memory a wild thread in the sarong.”. Michael’s aunts, share memories of the past with Michael in order to clarify and explain his ancestry to him.

Michael is also using the present to understand himself. Michael travels to Ceylon twice. Each time uncovering new information and writing it down in, ‘Running In The Family’, sharing with what he is uncovering. For example when he visits Wilpattu, he shares his adventures there. When they bathe in the thunderstorm, Michael uses phenomenal imagery to appeal to the reader’s sense to allow them to feel as if they were there bathing as well. “We are slightly drunk with this place - the beautiful house, the beautifuls

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