
Sacrifice Definition Essay

Decent Essays

My earliest memory Is playing in my room alone. My back was to the door, and I was playing with brats dolls. It was the moment I realized I was alive. However, later that year I came to the decision that toys were disgusting and I no longer wanted them in my life. At 8 years old that sounds like a pretty heavy decision. So, that’s where it began. That’s when the word came into my life, the word “sacrifice”. The definition of Sacrifice is the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else to help someone. To most 8 year old kids that word might seem foreign. Unfortunately, to an 8 year old black girl growing up on the north side, it was basically a priority. In other words, I notably perceived the struggle, the pain, and the loss that was acquainted with our surroundings. …show more content…

Being the woman she is, she basically was constantly contending against society for our future to be as reassuring as possible, battling for us , however, always fighting for me. Gang bangers, drug dealers and strippers were family to me. I grew up in what society calls “ the trap” or ‘the other side of the tracks”. Being in constant danger kept us on our toes. Seeing how my once unnerving demeanor provoked me to constantly engage in altercations in school everyday in elementary, taught me that it doesn’t help anything at the end of the day. Consequently, I fought whenever, wherever. In school, on the street and I didn’t care who stepped in front of me. Provided that I let my anger get the best of me, it seemed at those moments that I was accustomed to defend myself and my family. Even though that’s what I was around, I still turned out different. My mother made sure all of her children did, or at least

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